Chapter 9 – A Song of Comfort

Little Pine woke filled with the happiness that his dream brought him. He was filled with energy, too.

After breakfast, he headed to the twin ponds on the far western side of the woodlands at the base of Grandfather Pine. As he skipped down the bank of the first one, a plant he’d never noticed before caught his eye. It was lovely against the waters of the pond that were reflecting the deep clouds overhead.

He was half way down the bank when he heard the plant’s soft, sweet song. It was so tender and touched his heart so deeply that he felt a little tear coming to his eye.

“Hello,” Little Pine said as he reached the plant’s side. “I’m Little Pine. I’m sorry to interrupt your beautiful song, but I have a message to share with you. This year our woodland has been chosen to host the Elf King and the Spirits of Fun for the Festival of Light. I’m letting everyone know so we can welcome them with our finest beauty and song. But I have to tell you that I don’t see how your song could possibly be more lovely!”

The little plant laughed softly. “Why, thank you, Little Pine. And thank you for the thrilling news! Everyone needs fun in their lives. Won’t it be grand to have the Spirits of Fun and the Elf King himself right here, in our own little woodland!” She laughed again, a high, bell-like chime of a laugh.

“Before I go,” Little Pine said, “would you tell me about your song? I’ve never heard anything like it before.”

“My song is the Song of Comfort, Little Pine,” the plant told him. “When you have been here a little longer, you will see that many of the children of the Earth experience sorrow and pain. Sometimes their forms are injured or damaged by disease. Sometimes they grow sad when their friends or members of their families leave to go their Home worlds. Sometimes their lives turn out differently than they had expected and they fall into disappointment.

“I sing my song to let them know that the Great Yes understands what they are feeling, and that no matter how sad or angry or confused they are, it is all a part of Earth living, and that, no matter what, they are seen, and understood, and very deeply loved.”

Little Pine didn’t know what to say.

“That’s why your news is so wonderful, Little Pine!” the beautiful little plant told him. “Playfulness and fun are as healing as my song. They open our hearts to the light that shines on us all. They give us a chance to laugh and to remember our joy.

“So I thank you, Little Pine, for your delightful message! May you float as lightly as a leaf as your spread your news today.”

Her words made Little Pine remember his dream, and he laughed right out loud and, saying goodbye, went merrily on his way.

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