Aspirations of a Joy Warrior

I dream of nothing more than this:
to be completely alive, to hurl myself
into each vibrant moment
with all my heart and mind and soul.

I want to feel starlight
crackling down my nerves,
and salty oceans pulsing through my veins.
I want to hear the grass laughing
as I walk barefooted through the morning dew.

I want to cry at the softness of skin and fur,
and to be startled by the depth of eyes.
I want to shiver at the sweetness of bird calls
and to feel the echo of spoken words
in every cell of my body.

I want to lose all the labels and stories and maps,
all that classifies and judges,
anything that says no, or can’t, or should,
anything that separates or shrinks back.

I aspire to nothing more.
I will settle for nothing less.

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