The Getaway

You have to do it every now and then – get away.
It’s a survival tactic, demanded by circumstances,
by your mind, your soul. One of the best ones
is the one where you gather with friends, aged
as fine wine or a worthy cheese is aged, and walk
telling stories, sharing bits of wisdom gathered
along the way, noticing the foliage, the flowers,
quietly laughing, bathed in memories, making
fresh ones to carry you from this day in early June
into all the days to come. Yes. I’ll take this one.

Damsel Flies, Like Needles

I knew you would be here. The peonies have opened.
I’ve noticed that you always come at the same time.
Secretly, I think of you as their guardians somehow.
It has something to do with your alertness and the way
you keep watch over them. When I was a child,
the mothers told us that you were called sewing needles
because you would sew up the lips of too-noisy children.
It didn’t work. You only gave us another excuse to squeal our delight
when you and your friends darted by, your iridescent bodies shining.
We shrieked for our gladness for every living thing that flew or floated
or crawled or grew, glad for sunshine and cool water, glad
for our very selves, bobbing on big black inner tubes
on the green sparkling waves of the Saginaw Bay,
damsel flies nearby, poking through the air like needles.

Thoughts, Like Clouds

It’s not “official,” but there’s no doubt that summer has arrived in the area—full force! People greet each other in the morning saying, “It’s gonna be a hot one.” And their words prove true.

It was too hot yesterday to do much of anything outdoors, except to savor the sun and the luxurious green, and the constantly changing sky-show overhead. For a while, I found myself drifting back in time to my childhood summers.

Remember how, when you were a kid, you’d stretch out in the grass watching the clouds and see a whole menagerie cavorting across the sky?

Remember how the fire-breathing dragon would morph into a pony or bear?

Oh! The stories that could fill the sky on a summer afternoon!

Funny how it’s always the clouds that catch our gaze, and not the endless blue on which they float, isn’t it? How we’re built to see the figures and not the infinitely deep and mysterious space in which they float?

It’s how we live our lives, fixing our gaze on the thoughts and memories that drift by, on the stories we make up to give shape to the passing events. It’s how we create meaning for ourselves, and from that meaning, how we make our decisions. Imagination is a powerful thing.

But every now and then, it’s good to remember to notice the sky – the deep, formless context in which we live our lives, the space from which all our thoughts and perceptions arise, the infinite consciousness that teams with the invisible life force that powers our very being.

The dragon in the clouds seems so real as we stare at it, imagining its fire-breathing snout, its wide-spread wings, its sharply clawed feet. But moments later, it is no more; it dissolves into the mystery of sky.

Our problems are like that, too. Our interpretations, our plans, our dreams all seem so real. And then they are gone, and new ones come to replace them. But we ourselves remain, because we, at our core, are more sky than cloud. We are the vessels through which the story-clouds, the dream-clouds, are created and experienced and lived. We are the meaning-makers, dancers in the mystery.

May you dance with joy, and spin wondrous clouds as you go.


Image by giografiche from Pixabay

Couldn’t You Stay?

I know that June is at the door
and that you must be leaving,
And I suppose it isn’t fair of me
to ask, considering the countless
marvels that your minutes here
revealed, considering the beauty
you bestowed upon my world.
But the time has passed so quickly,
and each hour was so sweet,
that ask I must. My love for you
demands it. Oh, May, May, May!
Couldn’t you stay? Couldn’t you stay?

Meanwhile, in the Woods

May’s parade of flowers held me captive
all month long with its radiant colors,
with its scents perfuming the breeze.
They filled my winter-famished soul
and quenched my thirsting spirit.
Meanwhile, in the woods, May bathed
the earth in emeralds. The trees stand
knee-deep now in an ocean of leafy green.
All that was dead and drab is gone,
the woods transformed into a palace
for birds and bugs and critters galore,
every inch of it alive and singing in joy.

Remember How Tender

When the hot winds blow, child,
when winter’s ice returns,
when the world feels barren and bleak,
when, in the midst of the darkest nights,
fear or pain weigh on your heart,
recall these petals, so soft and sweet,
and remember how tender
love can be.

What’s Good About It?

“With my luck,” a friend began, “I’d trip and fall and break my leg.”
“Well, you know,” I said teasingly, “our thoughts create our reality. Be careful what you wish for.” We both laughed.

But it’s true. If you go around thinking of yourself as a clumsy fool with terrible luck, life is likely to accommodate you. Remember that phrase I mentioned a while back, “What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves.” That’s really how it works. There’s a host of technical reasons why and how it happens. But the bottom line is that it does.

The proofs the Prover brings aren’t always literal, of course—although they can be. I wasn’t suggesting my friend would actually fall and break his leg. It’s more the essence or quality of our thoughts that the Prover proves.

The other day, I heard a guy put it this way, “When you do low vibrational stuff, you get low vibrational people and situations in your life.” I think that says it pretty well. And “low vibrational stuff” includes the thoughts we think, our self-talk, our mental movies.

When you find that you’ve fallen into a pity trap, or get mired in boredom, anger, sadness, or fear, one of the quickest ways out is to check what you were thinking then choose a different line of thought. Ask yourself what’s good about the moment and see what comes up. If you’re really bummed and your brain tries to tell you that nothing is good about the moment, tell it, “Well, besides that, what’s good?” You are, after all, conscious enough to remember to check your thoughts. And that’s a good thing in itself.

Another good thing is that we always have alternative thoughts available. Whole hosts of them! We just have to keep asking what’s good and move in its direction.

One alternative that I find puts things in perspective for me is a little paragraph by author and public speaker David Icke. He says the trick to freeing ourselves from something we’re experiencing is not to identify with it.

“You are not your emotions, or thoughts, or the things your remember, ” he says, “or all the sensations your physical body is registering. You are the one who is feeling the emotions, listening to the thoughts, remembering the memories, seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling. Those are the things that you are experiencing. They come and go. Whatever comes and goes is not you. You are a vehicle for all that is, and was, and ever will be to use in its endless explorations.”

If that’s the case, why not choose a different line of thought, different things to say about yourself, a movie that turns course and runs in a more empowering direction?

It takes practice, of course. Some of the ruts we get stuck in are pretty sticky. But every time we choose to look for the good the moment holds, for its opportunities, for its invitations, we get better at it and stronger. We catch ourselves sooner, before we slide all the way into our habitual pits. We start to discover that it’s freeing and fun to be in control, to remember we’re explorers in a universe of possibilities, that we can choose to nudge our paths in new directions, to step into a brighter, truer reality – even if we take only one small step at a time.

Wishing you a lifetime of endless discoveries of the good.


Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Beneath a Canopy of Flowers

I was wandering aimlessly through a park
I had not walked for a while, searching,
casually, for an invitation, for the whisper
of a word, of a sound, a quiet wave of color,
a scent on the breeze – a sign saying This Way.
We all, I suspect, look to signals and grace
to point us toward the most propitious paths.
Then, as if in answer, something said,”Look up.”
And so I did, of course, and there above me,
cascading down from the branches of a tree,
were hundreds of white blossoms, hung
like lanterns from a vault of emerald green,
shining their light, shining their gentle light.

Overture for Summer

Subtly now, spring’s colors deepen.
From her limitless palette, she dips
her brush into crimsons and burgundies,
into scarlets and golds. Her creations
grow more elaborate and complex.
Her flowers yield the first small signs
of vegetables and fruits. The air,
perfumed still with lilacs, takes on hints
of roses and cut lawns. Days of rain
give way to long stretches of sunshine.
From the country roads, dust rises
in clouds in the wake of passing cars.
In the tall lush grass of the pastures
goats and calves and colts and lambs
leave their babyhood behind and move
with a new independence as they graze.
But, as if to remind us that she still remains,
her mornings come wrapped in birdsong
and fog, and violets still sparkle in the dew.
This song is spring’s overture for summer.
and the curtain is slowly beginning to rise.

Lace for Lady May

Between the stands of white and purple phlox
that dance along the roadsides, wild carrot blooms,
Queen Anne’s predecessor, lace for Lady May.
It’s the least the earth could do, this touch of grace,
to thank her for all the lovely gifts she tucked
in fields and woods and gardens during her splendid stay.
Such jewels! Such abundant treasure! All to reassure us
that, after the cold bleak winter, life returns,
magnificent, and singing joy.