Send-Off for the Milkweed Seeds

Fly, babies! Grab this wind and go!
You are the hope of butterflies,
the guarantor of their tomorrows.
Claim your spot on the soft earth,
and dream your milkweed dreams
the winter through. Dream how strong
your stem will be, how fragrant
your dusty-rose flowers. Imagine
the flaming wings of the Monarchs
as they return to you day after day
to feast on the nourishment that
you alone can provide. Then rise
from your dreams, sweet ones,
and live them. Fly, babies, fly.
Grab this wind and go.

Categorized as Autumn 2024

The Last Witness

The woods was still dark, its trees bare,
the previous night’s rain having washed
to the ground the bits of what had remained.
The revelry was over, the morning sun
only now rising on the sleeping scene.

Except for her scarlet song rolling
down the hillside through the night’s debris,
I might have missed her altogether,
there, at the crest of the hill, her leaves alone
shining red in the morning light. She sang
not to call attention to herself, but as one
lost in a reverie, or uttering a last, personal
benediction over all that she had witnessed here
since spring, humbled, perhaps, at the realization
that she got to be the final witness of it all.
Imagine that. The last one.

Your Holiday Survival Guide’s Here

Well, here we are, a third of the way into November, about to plunge headlong into the holiday season, with all of its stresses and joys.

Before it gets into full swing, I thought I’d share with you a quick and easy practice you can adapt to ensure that your time is rich and full and your stresses no more than tiny bumps in the road.

Ready? Okay, here goes.

Choose Your Theme

The first thing you want to do is decide on a theme for the upcoming weeks. What feelings or attitudes would you most like to have filling you as you travel to the year’s end?

Would you want to be flowing with gratitude? Ease? Kindness? Contentment?

Would you want to feel inspired most of the time? Creative? Appreciative? Energetic?

Pick two or three of your favorite feelings or attitudes and write them down as your theme. Then say to yourself, right out loud, “My intention is to be filled with ___________ and _________ .”

Install It In Your Mind

Next, take a couple minutes to remember a time when you felt each of your chosen feelings or attitudes and let yourself experience feeling them now as fully as you can.

Maybe you’ll remember where you were and what you were doing when you felt that feeling before.

Maybe you’ll notice a little smile on your face as you call the feelings or attitudes to mind.

Maybe you’ll simply feel the depth and strength of them

Once you’re experiencing a clear memory of each of your chosen feelings, name them out loud, one at a time, as you pat the heart region of your chest three times. “Thankful. Thankful. Thankful.” Then do it with the next feeling.

Take It to the Park

Super. Now you have installed your intention. And it only takes two small actions to activate and strengthen it daily.

1st As soon as you wake in the morning, remember your intention, repeating it to yourself, saying it out loud. “My intention is to be filled with __________ and _________ today.”

2nd As you go through your day, do this little PARK exercise to reinforce and nurture it. (PARK it any time you think of it, or on the hour, or before each meal.) Here’s how:

PPause in whatever you are doing, momentarily setting it aside.

A – Become Aware. Allow yourself to become aware of the present moment.

Do a quick body scan and let go of any accumulated tension. Notice the data your senses are bringing to you: What are you seeing? Hearing? Smelling? Tasting? What is your skin feeling? How’s your posture? Your breathing?

If you like, you can also do a quick review of how you spent the past hour and acknowledge yourself for it.

You can do all of this very effectively in a matter of a few seconds. Or stretch it out as long as you like, enjoying the way this break relaxes and refreshes you.

RRemember. Remember that the purpose of this exercise is to energize your intentions. Briefly touch your heart center and let the beautiful feelings of your intention fill your awareness for a moment. Feel how alive they are within you, quietly guiding you. (If you’re in circumstances where you would be uncomfortable touching your heart center, simply focus your attention there.)

KKeep on. Return your attention to whatever you were doing or would like to do next.

That’s it. Choose two or three feelings as your theme for the remainder of the year, install your intention to be immersed in them, do a morning reminder when you wake and practice PARK as you go through your day.

This practice has been one of the favorites of my coaching clients, by the way. I hope you’ll give it a try and experience the sense of well-being that it can bring you.

Wishing you beautiful intentions!


Image by Mircea Iancu from Pixabay

Before the Winter Dreams

They don’t settle down right away.
Like children tucked into bed
after an exciting day, the trees
take some time to sink into silence.
First, they must whisper stories
to each other, to giggle and tease.
They must wiggle a bit and ease
themselves into just the right
position before the winter dreams
will come, floating in like clouds
on a snowy evening. But then,
what silence! And beneath it,
what stupendous dreams they dream

Finding Poems

Look. Let your eyes find the poems.
A line here, a phrase there,
a surprise of gracefulness.
Be alert for the pattern, for the flow.
Leaves on a creek bed,
reflections on still waters,
a flight of swallows
against a dappled sky.
Love notes are everywhere.
Find them.

The Last One to Fly

On any given tree, there are those who,
like race horses chomping at the bit to run,
are filled with eagerness to soar the instant
they are granted their colored flying suits.
Others wait for just the right blue of sky,
the perfect pitch of the wind, and they fly
in great flocks, like starlings flying over fields
of harvested corn. But a few hold on until
the last, gathering in one more glimpse
of the woods, of the earth, of sky
as long as they can. I would be one of those,
tucking every morsel of it into my heart,
glad for each earth-moment that I got to live,
destined for home now, twirling in joy.


Surrender any notions of your own.
Instead, trust in the goodness of the Yes
unerringly to lead you. When it whispers,
be willing to follow its nudges, turning
when it says to turn, continuing on
when it says to keep on. Do not worry
that you will lose your way. That which
leads you to its treasures will
lead you safely home.

Wishes and Dreams

Now is the time for wishes and dreams,
for spinning your hopes and casting
your seeds. Let them fly. Toss them
to the sky, believing. Let them sail
along the secret trails that destiny
weaves through the seasons and times.
Let them go. Then sleep your winter sleep
my child, until wonder wakes you in a land
of warmth and fragrant green, where birds
float to music and all your best wishes
come true.


If you keep faith and follow
the whisperings of your heart,
‘though the day be dark
and swept with rain,
a moment will come
when the skies will open
and the Yes pour down
its light.

The Constant Song

I give you the world as a mirror of your heart.
See in it what you will: The straight
or the crooked, the mountain or the valley,
fullness, or that which is barren, the sunlight
or the clouds. I give it all to you,
and beneath it, I sing my constant song.
Be at peace, child. You are known,
in all your moods and choosings,
and all that you are is loved.