Birthday Present

Over the decades of birthdays past
life has grown complex. When you are young,
you think that you will reach the place
where dreams come true and live,
content and at ease, to the end from there.
Then reality happens, challenging all
you had supposed, its seasons carrying you
to places far beyond your dreams, testing
your courage, and endurance, and faith.
Life, you find, is fierce. Its lessons come
at great cost. But oh, the quiet places,
the treasures you gather along the way—
the rays of truth and wisdom, the touch
of human hands, the songs of the teachers
who sing in nature’s voice, the smiles
of children and strangers, the company
of family and friends, and always,
the infinite Yes of sky, reminding you,
despite any evidence to the contrary,
that you never truly left home
and are always wrapped in loved.
And so, arriving at this birthday present,
I celebrate sunlight spilling through lacy trees
onto fresh grass and wild violets
and give thanks for another day of waking
in this most amazing world.

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