Provisions for the Journey

The Great Yes always provides.
Today it is berries for the birds’ journey south.
Sometimes it is help when none seemed at hand.
Or hope when all seems lost.
Always a light dawns to quench the darkness.
Openings appear. Faith rises in response to surrender.
Answers flash into view.
Don’t allow life’s maze to trick you to despair.
The world is far more wondrous than we know.
And forever there is this certainty:
The Yes provides, and we are known and loved.

How to Paint Autumn Trees

You can’t go from emerald to crimson overnight.
No great work happens in the blink of an eye.
First you need a vision: Let us paint these woods
in autumn hues. Then you may begin.
And once you have begun, you must keep on.
A swath of red here, a bit of gold there, some orange,
a touch of yellow. Keep on. Hour by hour,
trusting, singing work’s joy, knowing your vision
was born in the Yes and the Yes
will unfailingly guide your hand.

Autumn Tiptoes In

Summer’s packed her bags now,
said her farewells, lowered the lights,
gathered her greens, ushered the last
of the songbirds toward the southern horizon.
Now, as she drifts away, Autumn tiptoes in,
and smiling at all that Summer has done,
kisses her forehead and scatters gold
across the land to thank her and to bless her going.