Escape from Ludicrous World

A friend told me about some high-performance electric car that had various running modes and one of them was named Ludicrous. I think that’s the mode we’re all stuck in right now. How many do you know, after all, whose views really makes any sense, given what you know and can see with your own eyes? Keen discernment is required to sort out the truth these days, my friend. Such a complex, noisy web surrounds it.

So he’s telling me about this car and how it will be updated via software downloads periodically, adding new features and capabilities. I think how that is like what the nano particles do–build the intraweb, enhance the circuitry, expand what you can do, what you can send and receive. And they fit how many in the needle of a syringe? Billions? Is that something like the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin?

See? What a ludicrous world it is in which we find ourselves–a surreal ever-changing sci-fi movie. Except it’s real. And we’re alive and smack-dab in the middle of it, hoping we tucked a flashlight of some kind in our back pocket. The more you think about it, the less you understand. It can be confusing. Disorienting. Painful.

Don’t let it get you down. These are trying times for us all. When things hurt, I repeat Tara Brach’s wise words: “This is suffering. Everybody suffers. May I be kind.”

That’s one the things I love the most about us human beings. Our capacity for kindness. What a loss it would be if that was reduced to a program, to a set of prescribed social rules and nothing more.

But to change the subject entirely (a routine practice in Ludicrous World), I wanted to share that I’m moving right along with my “Hundred Bottles of Hours” practice, where I take an hour every day to compose a love note, tuck it into today’s bottle, and send it, via my blog, downstream to wherever.

Yesterday was Day 12 and I posted views from my studio window over a two-day span. I enjoy doing series of things. I like the old rippled glass in the upper window’s center panes. It reminds me of the glass in my grandmother’s house. I like the way the snow plow looks like a Tonka toy way down there. I like the warmth and softness of the drapes at night, as the sun sets.

It’s letting yourself do what you really love doing that keeps you sane. Immerse yourself in it on some kind of regular basis. You deserve it. You need it. Follow your bliss, as the hippies used to say. That’s good advice. Get in touch with the pools of goodness inside you and let them remind you that, however ludicrous the world may seem, in the center of your being Truth resides. And its beautiful, and good.

It’s freeing to step out of the world’s craziness for a while. It’s always there, the jangling of a phone, a flicker of a screen away, waiting to pull you back. The trick is always to go back to it with an easy smile, seeing it for what it is, letting your heart guide you through its twisted maze. And don’t worry. If you weren’t needed, you wouldn’t still be here. At least they tell me that’s the way that it works. There’s always something more for you to learn and to do, to give and to receive.

That’s worth a smile.
Look somebody in the eye and pass it on.


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

How I Started the New Year

Sunset, New Year’s Eve 2021

Well! Here we are, safely arrived on the other side of the holidays. How fine is that! Congratulations to us all!

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a nice chunk of the ordinary now. You know, days where all you gotta think about is doing the job before you. Maybe even throw in a slice of routine, just to smooth things out. It sounds comforting somehow, doesn’t it?

Maybe it’s the season. Here we stand, seriously staring into a brand new year, wondering what it could possibly bring. Am I prepared? (Are we ever?)

It never unfolds the way you imagined it would. Especially these days. The best you can do is the best you can do. And it’s always good enough. And there’s always room for better.

I started a new project. I’d been asking for it, and when it finally got here, I had to jump on it. I’m calling it “100 Bottles of Hours on the Wall.” It’s a 100-Day Challenge that simply appeared in my awareness one day, spotlights shining on it, confetti floating in the air. What it boils down to is my commitment to compose a daily note here for the next 100 days. Just for the fun of it To see where it takes me.

I couldn’t wait for the New Year. I started it a week ago. Check it out. Let me know what you think.

But that isn’t what I really wanted to tell you about today. I wanted to share my personal New Year ritual.

A few minutes before midnight on New Year’s Eve, I pull on my winter boots and jacket and go outdoors. This year the sky is overcast, a faint glow appearing on the northern horizon. To the east I see fog illuminated by the headlights of a car climbing the hill around the curve over there. Its purr is all I hear.

I send good wishes to my local community, and outward from there, and farther out ‘til my wishes circle the globe. I thank the spruces towering over my head for their constant companionship and wish them well. I send a wordless song from the center of my heart to the Great Yes, waiting.

Suddenly, the bangs and pops and claps of shotguns, pistols, and rifles wash down the hills from every direction. Wow! Was that a canon? Dogs vacationing at the kennel down the road yip and howl. Car horns bleat from somewhere across the creek by the old school.

It’s here. 2022.

We can’t help ourselves. However we mark it, all over the world, we all breathe in its hope.

Isn’t that something?

Take a big chunk of that hope and tuck it in your pocket, hey? 

Happy New Year.


Throwing Better Parties

Sometimes, life picks you up, hurls you around, and plunks you into a whole new world. I’ve mentioned this phenomenon before. I refer to it as “the revolving door syndrome.” Well, the last weekend in November, I got swept onto a dark and heavy patch of road that started with a sudden malaise that laid me low for the next ten days. Then, when I emerged from my stupor, it was to the news that one of my dearest friends had passed away, unexpectedly, in her sleep. Her memorial service wasn’t until the weekend after that, and I slogged through the days in shock, with a broken heart.

That’s why you didn’t hear from me for three weeks. I thought of you. I saw that many of you were into the holiday spirit and happily preparing for the days ahead. That was a comfort to me somehow. Life goes on. Some of you were, like me, in pain. The weekend I lost my friend, for instance, hundreds of people lost every material thing they owned in a horrendous tornado. Many lost their lives, and their friends and families were grieving and in shock, just as I was, our sorrow flowing together into one shared lake of pain.

One day, as the crushing sadness lifted and I was beginning to breathe again, I ran across a great little meme on the net. “Misery loves company,” it said. Then it continued, “But so does Joy. And Joy gives better parties.” I laughed at the way the Yes sends you little love notes when you need ‘em. Yeah. Joy gives better parties.

You know what happens when your heart breaks because someone you love dies? A thousand memories pour out of it, showing you moments that you and your loved one shared, all wrapped in love.

I wanted to sit with those, to let myself cry over my loss, over the loss of my dreams of the ordinary tomorrows I’d share with my friend. I wanted to feel the wonder of knowing that true friendship exists in this world. I wanted to sink into gratitude for the privilege of knowing genuine friendships. When emotions are deep and raw, that’s about all you can do: sit with them, drink them in; know them for all that they are. They come, you know, as gifts of healing and grace.

So now we enter what I think of as the Week of the Letting Go. We usher out the passing year, wrapping every moment of it in a layer of acceptance, if we’re wise, as if each one of them—even the ones we didn’t really notice or enjoy—had been custom-designed for us, exactly what we needed. It’s a time to take stock of your assets and values and strengths, to commit to giving the coming year your best, whatever it may bring.

Let go of the old with thanks. Welcome the new with joy and hold a party.

Seen from a far-enough distance, it’s all beautiful.

Happy New Year, my friend.


Image by nck_gsl from Pixabay

Then the Magic Seeps In

I had just cleared the rise from the edge of the lake when twin flickers of red caught my eye in the distance.. At first I thought it was pair of cardinals, but it couldn’t be. The proportions were all wrong, I lifted my camera to my eye and zoomed in as much as I could as I slowly moved forward.

When I finally recognized the figures I was seeing, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Never, ever, in all the decades I’ve been tramping through the woods have I seen such a sight. But there they were, the King and Queen of the Elves. For real. Right there in a clearing, surrounded by pines, looking for all the world as if they were preparing a picnic.

I was drawn magnetically to them, as unreal as the scene felt. I had no idea what to say to them. They were royalty, after all, to the elves. And you know how I adore the elves. But before I had much of a chance to think about it, words were blurting from my mouth.

“So this is where you go when you need a break from the elves and all those toys!” I was saying to a smiling, bespectacled face. He looked up at me in amusement as I stared at the scene before me. He was sitting in a wooden rocker beside a little table. On it sat a jug wearing the label ”Santa’s milk” and a plate full of perfectly baked chocolate chip cookies.

 I felt as if I had stumbled across a private secret of some kind and I didn’t want to intrude. But a little bit of friendly chat seemed in order. “What brings you to the forest today?” I asked.

“Oh, we’re just going to take pictures with some families,” the being called Santa said.

I wished them a wonderful day and walked down the path entranced and feeling extraordinarily lucky.

Every year something like this happens, something out of the ordinary and wonderful. It can be a big thing or something little. But sooner or later, some piece of magic floats in and dissolves the humbug I wrap around myself in multiple layers as winter approaches. I am not a fan of the cold. But every year it happens–some little miracle–and I awaken to a world where every sight and sound and thought and circumstance and amazing human being touches me to my core. How poignant it all is! And how beautiful! How deserving of our compassion and appreciation, our gratitude and joy.

It stays with me, this trance of wonder, right into the new year. Then I’m caught up in the events of the world again and wonder steps back to smile at me from behind my shoulder, winking at me now and then when it catches my eye.

But right now, I stand enshrouded by wonder, stunned and moved by the world’s beauty, by the magnificent benevolence and perfection inherent in its movements and design. And we are here to see it. And the universe will go to such extremes to awaken us that it will even send Santa Claus and his wife to picnic in the woods on a late November day at the very hour when you followed its nudge to go there. What are the odds of that!

The elves told me once that if you see Santa in person, you get to carry the warmth and merriment of his smile with you to pass out to others as you go. So here! Have some!

It’s full of magic, you know. The kind that flows out from the center of everything and tastes and feels of love.


The Good Old Same Old Same Old

What was, isn’t. What is, won’t be. But always, there’s the now. Right in front of our noses. Full of everything and always a different shape than it was before or soon will be. And most of the time we don’t even notice, being all caught up in our stories and calculations and all.

This time of year, I’m spending a lot of time in my living room, working on my laptop. I don’t own a TV. I usually sit in the same place. I like the view and it’s comfortable. Every time I look up from my laptop’s screen, the walls and furniture, the plants and lamps and paintings are exactly where they were before. The only thing that seems to have changed is me. And it wasn’t, I can tell you, much of a change. Maybe I wasn’t wiggling my toes before. My thoughts were different. There’s a little gnat exploring the laptop’s screen now. The furnace’s fan has kicked on. Other than that, same old same old.

It could seem like a pretty boring place, I suppose. But that’s only the case if you forget that the walls have another side. One of them even has an outside, and that’s a doggone huge place. You can’t even get to the end of it, it goes so far. And just down the road a piece, there’s mountains and deserts and forests and oceans, and all of them with their own inhabitants, every one of them as real as you and alive in this very same now. And some of them are humans.

And for all you know, a particular human you’re thinking about right now might be thinking of you, too. Maybe because they felt your thoughts in some subliminal electromagnetic way. Or you felt them. And once you start thinking about another human being, you can drift off into all kinds of imaginings and memories and dreams.

So what difference does it make if the walls don’t seem to change? A patch of relative sameness is a good thing. It can give you a sense of stability, something to hang on to in when the winds are fierce.

Be grateful for the slow-to-change, for the ordinary and familiar. Someday you could be amazed that you ever took it for granted.

Rest in that. And from there, watch and let go.

Remember that what was, isn’t. And what is, won’t be.
But there is always now, dancing, and it goes on and on and on.

May its dance bring you moments that glow with peace and shimmer with joy.


I Dreamed that We Were Bears

People think I’m kidding when I tell them I believe we’re part bear and we’re meant to be hibernating now. But I must tell you a big part of me would like to snuggle into my den and nap until the berries are ripe. I do not like the darkness and the cold, and winter creeps closer every day,

Even if you’re awake this time of year, it seems to me, reality itself has taken on the quality of a dream. It morphs so much and it’s so outrageous. Who could have imagined such a thing!

I heard an interesting speculation the other day. The plasma tube, the story says, in which our solar system–our sun, all the planets–is traveling through the universe has hit a section where it’s running so close to another plasma tube, which holds whole other kinds of worlds, that our energies sort of bleed through into each other’s plasma a little bit, and we find the effects disorienting. It sounded like as good a theory as any.

Nobody’s got the whole picture, you know. We all have our core beliefs. But really, no one sees the whole thing. Not anybody walking around in a human-suit anyway. Not even you or me, as much as we like to imagine so.

Basically, I think we’re all here to witness it, and the more we see of it the more we realize we need to be kind to others, whatever their own views might be. Even, and perhaps especially, when their views seem contrary to our own. That does not mean we must tolerate wrongs. It means to use balanced action when dealing with them.

I just learned the phrase ”balanced action” this week. The guy who used it really caught my ear when he spoke it as part of the even-better phrase, “the joy of balanced action.” I loved having words for it at last,

That’s kind of what I strive for, that perfectly balanced dance of joy. Alive. Aware. Loving. Grateful.



Help yourself to some. It’s good stuff.


Image by Pixamio from Pixabay

Lessons from the Trees

Every year, I forget how deeply the beauty of winter trees touches me. Instead, I only remember how unpleasant I find the cold. But here I stand, in the midst of all these trees, most bereft of their leaves now, and I’m caught in a spell of awe. I realize I don’t mind that the air is cold. And somewhere inside myself I quietly say, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

I say it to my spirit. “I’m sorry that I let what I labeled as discomfort eclipse the memory of the astonishing beauty of bare trees. And just look how the frost on this fallen leaf glistens in the sun! Please forgive me,” I ask, “for overlooking such incredible gifts.”

Instantly, of course, I feel a shower of bright, warm, unconditional acceptance wash around me. It tastes golden, like joy, and my face spreads in a smile. I am humbled by it, and I whisper, “Thank you; I love you.”

All this because of the forms of the trees, naked against the clouds, and the shimmer of light on this leaf. But beauty isn’t the only thing that evokes my appreciation. Sometimes encountering truth will do it. Sometimes it’s goodness in one of its myriad forms.

I happened to notice my copy of Letting Everything Become Your Teacher again yesterday. It’s been sitting on my coffee table for weeks, unopened. Seeing the title is often reminder enough. Everything brings the gift of fresh lessons.

For me, the lesson brought by November’s bare trees and frosted leaves is to be aware that not everything I label as unpleasant is so. In this case, I could see that cold was just a sensation. I could call it brisk or crisp as well as bitter or biting. Then, having classified it, I could let it go and see what else there was to see.

Remember the game I told you about where for five minutes you let yourself notice whether you labeled things as either “pleasant” or “unpleasant?” (That’s all there is to it, in case you don’t recall it.) You just notice which way you’re judging things. Then you can use the secret power-question on yourself, asking yourself if your judgment is true.

You know what you’ll find? You’ll find that it’s only a judgment, whether you currently agree with it or not. Realizing that’s the case is good because it opens you to options. It keeps you from overlooking things by slapping a judgment on them too soon. Things change. Our perception of things changes. The world truly is a kaleidoscopic place, you know. Try to see what’s in front of you with an open mind. Keep a good helping of curiosity handy. It will wake you up if you’ve fallen asleep. It will say “What?! Look again!”

You never know when what you thought was a barren November landscape was in fact a scene of stark beauty, alive and dancing.

It could be. You never know.


The Hand-Me-Down Princess

Here’s my Halloween tale for you.

I was eight years old and in the third grade. I had a cousin who was three years older than me, a beautiful being, who took dance lessons. I inherited her costumes, to my great delight. This year, just before Halloween, she gave me a costume that had pale purple satin ribbons tightly curled in clumps on the bodice to look like a bouquet of grapes, and beneath it flared a stiff little skirt made of layers of netting the exact same color as the grapes. When I put it on, I felt like a princess. But my mother said I couldn’t wear it to school.

Instead, she built a pumpkin costume from chicken wire and orange crepe paper. She rigged my dad’s suspenders so the contraption would ride on my shoulders. It came with a crepe paper-covered paper plate for a hat with a green construction paper stem. It was embarrassing.. I didn’t want to be a big orange ball. It was far more wonderful to be a princess.

Mom and I negotiated until we reached a compromise. I could wear the grapes like underwear, beneath the pumpkin outfit. I could be a secret princess in a pumpkin disguise.. I wasn’t thrilled, but I agreed for the sake of peace. Besides, Mom’s argument that I would be cold wearing only the grapes made sense. I had to give her that one.

So off to school I went that Halloween morning snug in a sweater and slacks over the grapes and the pumpkin over that. Then the school bus came and to my immense humiliation I discovered that my pumpkin wouldn’t squeeze in the bus door. The driver came to help me. But then I couldn’t sit down. I had to stand all the way to school, holding the bar around the driver’s seat, right up front, and everybody snickering behind me.

When we got to the school, the driver helped me to the ground. And by then I had my plan made. The very first place we went when we got to school was the coat room, a great big walk-in closet with hooks on the walls in the back of the classroom. I took off that stupid orange pumpkin and set it in the corner, and the hat with it. I hung my sweater and slacks on my hook. And then, as if I were a beautiful butterfly, I danced to my seat.

The day was great fun. We had music and games and treats.

Mrs. Waltz helped me unfasten Dad’s suspenders from the pumpkin and said she would take care of it. She said to tell my mom that she was sorry it got so bent on the bus, but that it was a wonderful idea.

It was too cold, Mom was right, to wear the grapes trick-or-treating. She quickly fashioned a hobo outfit for me instead. And I was glad. It was warm. At school I got to play the trick of turning from a pumpkin into a princess. And now I got to go beg my neighbors for treats with my pals.

It was a wonderful Halloween.

Hope yours is today! Whether you play, or just watch and let go.


Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay

A Change of Scene

It’s seriously autumn now. The trees are quickly losing their leaves, building a winter quilt on the earth below. But their colors have suddenly appeared and are reaching their vivid peak as I write. This is the season when I turn my attention to the sky. I live in the woods, and in summer the leaves block out the sky. But when the leaves go, the sky returns. Ah, I say to myself as I notice it, winter is coming.

“I think its going to be a tough one,” I say to the trees and critters around me. They seem to agree. We’ll get through it as best we can, as always.

That’s nice, the always of things. No matter what happens, what turns, what rises and falls, we’ll do the best we can, as we always have, regardless of the nature and speed of the changes. We endure. The part of ourselves that matters.

I look at the old maple up on the hill. It will stand there, its branches bare and exposed to sleet and winds all the winter through, its children gone. But a squirrel has built a fine nest on the far end of that limb up there. See? I think the tree likes that.

My kitchen smells of spices. I baked a pumpkin bread with cranberries today. Its fragrance fills the whole house. I’m letting myself fall into the season’s spell. I open myself to appreciating its textures and colors, its fragrances and change of light.

Nevertheless, the heaviness of the time that’s upon us now doesn’t escape my notice. We all feel the weight of it. It has a certain quality of strain about it, as if we’re all expecting something momentous, some great clarity, suddenly to appear. It reminds me to pay attention. To this moment. The big of it, the depth.

I continue to remember to play “Watch and let go.” The game reminds me how much time we all spend in trances, lost in our mental movies. That, too, is something you can see and then let go, and then watch to see what’s coming along now. Because now is always unfolding. It never sits still. And it doesn’t have any edges either. You ever notice that? How time flows so seamlessly from one scene to another, one season to another, one decade . . . We float between wakefulness and trances and sleeping all the time, through dreams and memories, hopes and plans. And then all of a sudden we find ourselves looking with surprise at the reality of the material world around us, this place of complex mystery that we all share, this, our platform for action. Life is such an amazing place.

As you settle in to the season now showing outside your door, may you find as you watch and let go, and watch and let go, again and again and again, that you find the rhythm of it pleasing so that joy may dance at your side.



Listen; I want to tell you something. Whether we have ever met in person, or talked together, or exchanged a few notes, even if you only linger here quietly, a name on my mailing list, whenever I think of you, I send you my love. I try to imagine who you are right now, what you might be doing, what it would be like to spend a couple hours together sharing stories.

One of the things I’ve discovered on my trek through the years is that people seem to play prominent parts in the theater of my mind. When I check in to see what I’m thinking, I often find that I’m having an excellent conversation with someone. I’ll hear her voice or his laugh, notice a characteristic gesture, feel what it feels like to be with that particular person, so different and distinct from all the others.

Even when we have never met in person, when all I have of someone, maybe you, is a name, maybe a few words and maybe a picture Even when someone exists only in memory now and some memories stretching back as far as childhood. Whatever the particular circumstances, I always swirl my love around them–around you, when you’re the one who has drifted into my thoughts. You, my fellow human being, are a significant part of my life. You provide the lessons and impart the meanings. You, my wondrous one-of-a-kind fellow human, are what gives life its most amazing flavor.

I think we’re all like that–that we all think about the people in our lives almost all the time. I think we all connect with each other like that. In our imaginations. Just because you are “only” imagining doesn’t mean what you’re experiencing isn’t real. Remember, we’re in a very mysterious place in wholly uncertain times. It’s a good thing if we hold each other in our minds, see each others’ smiles, dry each others’ tears, send claps on the back, wrap each other in encouraging and comforting hugs I think we strengthen each other when we do that–if “only” in our imaginations.

I just wanted to share that with you, send a batch of warm energy your way.

Pass it on, hey?

Smiling at you,