Chapter 12 – Reassuring the Holly Tree

The holly tree lived directly across the lake from Little Pine’s home, and he had a special place in his heart for her. He often fell asleep at night listening to her lullabies, and her morning songs ushered in each new day with grace and joy.

He knew that she had already heard about the woodland’s expected guests. She was surrounded by the pines, after all, and the word had spread quickly among them. But he wanted to visit with her anyway and to give her his Festival greetings.

The holly watched him dance around the edges of the lake as he made his way to her. “Hello, Little Pine,” she said. “You have been a busy little tree! I’ve seen you telling everyone about the Elf King and the Spirits of Fun. What excitement is filling our little woodland!”

She was quiet for a moment. Then she looked at her friend and said, “Little Pine, may I ask you something?” Her voice held a note of concern.

“Of course, Holly,” Little Pine said. “You may ask me anything.”

Holly lowered her voice and, almost shyly, asked, “With all the focus on the Elf King’s visit, do you think our neighbors have lost sight of the meaning of the Festival itself?”

Little Pine smiled at her gently. “Oh, no, Holly. The return of the Light means way too much for them ever to forget. Remember, unlike you and me, the plants’ flowers and leaves are only here for one cycle of the seasons, and in the spring the animals give birth to their young. It’s the Light that opens the way for their new life-seeds to come. Everyone feels the touch of the Yes itself in the return of the Light. It’s the most special time of year for us all.”

“You’re right, of course, Little Pine.” Holly said, sounding quite relieved. “For such a young tree, you are very wise.” She smiled at him, beaming with affection.

“Besides,” Little Pine said, “celebrating with the Elf King and Spirits of Fun gives all of us a way to show our elf-friends how much we love them and appreciate all they do. They keep our colors bright, after all, and remind us how fun it is just to be here in the woodland. They’re our twinkle and spice. They make sure we never lose sight of life’s magic. It’s wonderful that we can thank them by honoring their king’s visit, just as they help us honor the Light.”

“Well, Little Pine,” Holly giggled, “I must confess that I’ve been composing a special little song ever since I heard the visitors were coming. And I think that you have just given me the idea I needed for the final verse!”

“I’ll be on my way, then,” said Little Pine, “and let you work on it. I want to go visit with Grandfather Pine before our guests begin to arrive. I have a feeling we’ll all be very busy once they get here.”

“Thank you for stopping by,” Holly said. “You certainly brightened my day.”

“Good-bye, my neighbor,” Little Pine said. “I will be listening for your songs.”

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