Chapter 14 – The Angel of the Evergreens

A steaming bowl of cattail root soup was sitting on the table when Little Pine came in the door. He inhaled its fragrance and said, “My favorite! Thank you, Mother!”

“I thought you would be hungry,” Mother said, setting a plate of acorn muffins beside the soup. She sat down beside him and served herself some soup, too. “Tell me about your day.”

Morning seemed as if it was a hundred years ago and Little Pine had to think hard to remember it. He was on his second spoonful of soup before the picture flashed clearly in his mind. “Oh! The elves! Ha! Wait until you see them, Mother! They have bright new outfits for the Festival. And guess what?”

He told her all about the strange platform that appeared and how it would help the visitors come to our world. And then he told her about his visit with Holly and how the two of them talked about how much the return of the light meant to everyone in the woodland.

When they finished their soup, Mother brought a plateful of winterberry cookies and a mug of birch cider, and Little Pine told her about his visit with Grandfather.

Little Pine was yawning as he finished his story, and Mother Pine tucked him in for the night. “Grandfather said to remember my dreams,” he said as he snuggled in.

“Yes, I think you should do just that,” Mother Pine said, kissing his forehead. And Little Pine fell fast asleep.

Before long, his dreams began. At first, they were made of memories from his day and of all that he had seen in the woods on his travels. Then he caught a glimpse of Grandfather standing the glow of the golden light, his needles glistening in the wind.

The image faded and only the golden light remained, and stars began to twinkle inside it. He watched them for a while and then a sound like a thousand silver bells rippled across the scene as the gold light faded to darkness and a brilliant angel appeared.

In a voice as sweet and warm as a spring breeze, the angel said, “Greetings, little one. I am the Angel of the Evergreen Trees, and I am here to celebrate the Coming of the Light with you and all the pines and spruces and hollies of your woodland.

“Grandfather told me of your service to the elves and to all whom you visited these last few days. And along with him, I give you my thanks. Well done!

“Your guests are on their way and they will add great cheer to your Festival this year. You have performed your duties wonderfully, and now I release you to give yourself to the wonder and joy of the celebration. Let your days be filled with laughter and song. And may the spell of the Spirits of Fun carry you joyfully into the Light.

“Now sleep well, Little Pine. And rush to the elves’ side early in the morning. Your days of merriment have come.”

Little Pine giggled in his sleep as the vision of the angel faded away, and then he slept deeply and well as the stars floated, sparkling, across the nighttime sky.

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