Chapter 16 – The Spirit of Honey and Hugs

Nobody had to tell Little Pine to get to the elves’ house early. Everyone in the woods was awake with anticipation. Who would show up today?

The elves were already standing around the landing platform when he got there, and they had an extra mug of hot birch cider and a winterberry muffin just for him.

Before long, the platform began its musical hum, and Little Pine and the elves were quivering with excitement when the big clap of sound happened and the next Spirit of Fun appeared.

It was a bear! And she came in a shower of sparks as beautiful as fireworks and shaped like stars and hearts. “Oooooooh!” Little Pine and the elves said, caught in the wonder of the sight.

“Hello, Precious Earthlings! I am the Spirit of Honey and Hugs, come to drench you in sweetness and love. Would you kindly help me down? I’ve brought gifts and they’re waiting for a place on this platform.”

As soon as they recovered from their surprise, the elves rushed forward to help the regal bear step down. And no sooner was she on the ground that the platform was suddenly filled with decorated bags full of the most astonishing things.

There were fishing poles and wagons, and lidded jars, and skis. One bag overflowed with every kind of candy you ever imagined and some you had never seen. There were socks and scarves in all colors and sizes that looked as soft as clouds. Another bag was brimming with nutcrackers and bowls and hammers and saws. And one last box had a big gold ribbon and a note that said ‘Do not open until Festival Day.’”

Little Pine and the elves were astonished. “Every animal finds life’s sweetness in its own way,” the bear laughed as she saw their faces. “I tried to bring something for every taste. But one thing is certain. Everyone loves hugs.” And with that, she went from elf to elf, hugging them in her soft, fluffy arms. At last she came to Little Pine. “And here’s one, sweet little pine tree, especially for you.”

Her embrace was as light and soft as snow and she smelled of the first sap of springtime. Little Pine felt a tingle of joy race up and down his trunk and out every one of his limbs. He thought he might float into the sky in happiness.

“Here,” the bear said, digging through the heap of bags and boxes on the platform and pulling out a big sleigh. “We can put everything on here and take it wherever you think might be a good place to store it until the Festival.”

Then she picked up the box that said not to open it, and turned to Little Pine. “Would you please carry this one, dear?” she asked. “It’s full of shooting stars for your Festival’s grand finale. We can’t open it until then or the stars will fly away. Could you find a safe place for it?”

Little Pine assured the Spirit of Honey and Hugs that he would be proud to take responsibility for its safe keeping. “Hold it tight!” the bear said as she deposited it in his arms. And as he took it, Little Pine felt it wriggle with dancing energy. He giggled, and the bear laughed with him.

With all their goodies in tow, the elves and Little Pine led the bear to the elves’ home. And after they stowed everything safely away, they all enjoyed a marvelous lunch together.

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