Chapter 22 – The Visitors Say Farewell

Festival Day had been a day of wonder and joy. Just to know that the Light was returning was all the woodland dwellers really wanted. But they received so much more.

The Elf King and the Spirits of Fun had them laughing all day long. They taught them the game of Laughing-for-No-Reason, and how to Laugh-with-the Wind. The Spirit of Honey and Hugs made sure everyone got their hugs, and Mother Mirth kept passing out her candied winterberries. The North Pole Elves even popped in again for one more chorus of their song.

The Elf King took time to visit with everyone, and after dinner, he gave each of the woodland’s elves a golden plaque engraved with his thanks for their unfailing merriment and service.

Then, just as the dusk was growing deep, the Elf King and Spirits of Fun hopped onto the landing platform, and waving goodbye, faded into the night.

When Little Pine got home, he shared mugs of birch cider with his mother and they chatted about their beautiful day. What a Festival Day it had been!

Then Mother Pine tucked Little Pine in for the night, kissing him on the forehead. “I love you, Little Pine,” she said.

“I love you, Mother, too,” he smiled.

As dreams began to overtake him, he saw some dancing golden stars. And the faces of the Elf King and the Spirits of Fun appeared, and said, “Thanks for the wonderful time, Little Pine. Remember, we’re always only a thought away.”

And with that, Little Pine drifted into a deep sleep, his heart full of love and joy.

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