Chapter 3 – An Invitation from the Elves

“Little Pine!  There you are!” the doe said as she stepped from behind a tree.  “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”

“Hi, Dora,” Little Pine answered.  He called her Dora because he thought she was so adorable.  “Too and I are just coming back from a visit with his mother’s cousin.  Why were you looking for me?”

“I have an invitation for you from the elves,” she said.  “ I don’t know if you have heard the news yet, but this year’s Festival of Light is going to be a very special one.  The elves want to know if you would help them get ready.”

Little Pine heard Too chuckle and saw that he was wearing a big grin.

“Sure!” said Little Pine.  “I would love to help!  What do they want me to do?”

“Meet them at their house for breakfast tomorrow morning.  They’ll tell you all their plans.” Dora said.

“Please tell them that I will be there, bright and early,” Little Pine said.  And Dora bounded off to deliver the news.

“It’s just like your dream, Too,” Little Pine said.  “You said the Festival was going to be special, too.”

“Yes, Little Pine,” Too laughed.  “You’re going to have quite an adventure.”

As they walked home, Little Pine struggled with his feelings.  Part of him was excited about getting to work with the elves.  But the other part was sad that tonight Too would be leaving.

Too understood what was going on with his friend.  When it came for their final parting, he hugged Little Pine and then smiled at him.  “It was wonderful being here with you, Little Pine.  Every time I think of you, my heart will be filled with laughter and joy. 

“Thank you for teaching me so much about friendship.  And remember, not even time and space can really separate us.   Once hearts are joined by love, they stay connected forever.”

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