Chapter 7 – Telling the Cattails

Little Pine and his mother talked long into the night about the news that the Elf King was coming to this year’s Festival of Light. Mother Pine said she had heard the legends about the Elf King’s woodland visits, but never in this woodland’s history was there mention of his coming here.

The trees had always loved the story, of course. It was part of the Festival’s lore. But no one was sure that it was true.

According to the legend, the Elf King and the Spirits of Fun visited every woodland’s Festival every year. But they were invisible and their music and laughter was beyond the range of hearing by even the deer and the rabbits whose hearing was renowned. But, the legend said, each year the Elk King would choose one of Earth’s woodlands and cast a magic spell that let all of its inhabitant see and hear them for the entire Festival season.

Little Pine told her that the jay bird himself had brought the final word that the King and his Spirits were coming. He shared with her all the plans the elves had made to decorate the woodland more beautifully than ever before. They named Little Pine as their special messenger and asked him to spread the word to the woodland’s very edges so everyone could prepare.

As soon as the next morning broke, Little Pine was on his way. The elves had helped him make a plan that would let him spread the news to as much of the woodland as he could each day. Today, he was heading to the lake. And his first visit would be with the cattails.

The cattails were known for their Festival songs. Their music was always enthralling, and sounded as if they were the pipes of great organ playing in a magnificent cathedral somewhere. The hills would ring with their majestic voices.

Little Pine could hardly wait to tell them the news. He knew they would want to compose a special song to welcome the honored guests. It could set the tone for the whole event.

What a commotion broke out when Little Pine explained to them that the Elf King and the Spirits of Fun really were coming for the Festival this year—visible, so everyone could see them! They woke the whole lakeside section of the woods with their gleeful shouts. Yes, yes! They would be thrilled to compose a special song, they said. They would begin working on it right away.

Little Pine left them, laughing at their merriment. He had many visits to make before the day was through.

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