Day 27 – Fighting Cabin Fever

The snow plow just went past for about the twentieth time today. But the snow has finally stopped now and this pass should be his last. According to the weather guys, we have three days of sunshine coming up. Three whole days! In a row! It’s like a reward for enduring the gloom.

The first day after the Big Snow I got to go out and play. I shoveled the sidewalk and made paths to everywhere in the yard I might need to go. But then everything iced up, and navigating got tricky. Indoors was the safest place to be.

It was sort of like a weather-imposed lockdown. It called forth a renewed wave of empathy for all of us who suffered inside for reasons (or lack of them, depending on your point of view) unrelated to weather.

I was beginning to get bored. But then I remembered to exercise, get the blood pumping, clear the pipes. While I bounced on my rebounder, I started to make a mental list of all the things I could do inside. Then, from out of nowhere, the Statler Brothers popped into my head and started singing: “Counting flowers on the wall . . .” It made me laugh. Things-I-Could-Do-Indoors lists can be a lot more creative and fun than that.

Laughing was just what I needed, the icing on the exercise cake so to speak. Try ‘em both if you’re bored. Then make a list.

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