Day 46 – The Big Bang: A Happiness Tale

Way, way back, before time began, God put on his artist hat and painted the creation. He used every color on his infinite palette and every inch of space.

He had just finished the last stroke and was stepping back to look at it, grinning, when Mrs. God came in with a plate of sandwiches for their lunch.

When she saw what he had done, she just stopped dead in her tracks, her mouth open in astonishment.

“Like it?” God asked.

“Oooooooo!” she gasped, catching her breath again. “It’s glorious!”

“Yes, I thought it was pretty good myself,” God said, pick up one of the sandwiches. “It just needs one more thing.”

“What’s that?” Mrs. God asked.

“Just a little touch to capture the feeling I get inside whenever I see you,” God said with a twinkle in his eye. Then turning toward the creation, and drawing a powerful breath that came all the way from his toes, he pointed his index finger at it and with a booming voice that is still echoing to this day, he uttered his command: “Dance!”

And so it did, and does, and so do we. Even when we don’t know it.

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