Day 57 – Why I Love Cows

I remember it well. It was a cold and dreary day, much like today, one of those late February days when you think winter is going to go on forever. I was driving down country roads returning home from a friend’s house when I saw them, stoically braving the snow as they pushed their square faces through its powder in search of a mouthful of grass.

I stopped beside them and rolled down my window. “Only a few more weeks,” i shouted to them through the frosty air. “The groundhog said so.”

That’s when the one nearest me turned and looked me right in the eyes. From somewhere deep inside her she summoned a deep breath and with great clouds of steam pouring from her nostrils she bellowed, clear as day, “Boooooooo!”

“My sentiments exactly,” I told her. And I rolled up my window and drove on.

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