Day 71 – Chance of Snow, 100%

Snow’s coming tonight. They say 3-5 inches.
Some of me wants to scream. I just got dug out.
And then there’s that kid inside me,
jumping and clapping in exuberant delight,
all exited, can’t wait. I scowl at her.

But I get over it right away. What will be, will be
And besides, it’s balmy enough for my spring jacket,
a fine time for a walk through the woods. While I can.
Just in case. Well, and just because it’s there,
calling me. I pull on my boots.

I head toward the path through the pines.
The vinca is popping up through the leaves.
And from the look of things, the squirrels have eaten well.
The cool air is moist and delicious, subtly scented.
I come to the edge of the lower pond.

Everything seems poised, as if waiting for a signal.
“Almost”, I say, as I round the pond’s edge. “Almost.”
“First, one more good snow.” The woods doesn’t care.
I smile, tasting the coming spring, alert for its signs.
But first, one more lovely snow.

The Path Through The Pines
Vinca Waking
The Remains of the Feast
The Lower Pond at Winter’s End

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