Day 73 – Saving the Daylight

Here’s what I wrote in my journal, a little piece of satire for my own entertainment:

12:30 Well, maybe. It’s clock-change day.

We’re, um, saving daylight now. I never quite understood how that works. I picture somebody in a lab coat, all expert-looking, trying to stuff it into a quart-sized canning jar. But it’s light, you know, and it keeps spilling out all over.

Anyway, everybody had to “spring forward,” and it’s now an hour later than it was yesterday at this time. So I guess whoever is in charge of this clocks thing must have figured out a way to tuck that missing hour of light safely away somewhere for us all. We’ll adjust. It’s the price we have to pay, right? You never know when we might need it after all.

And regardless of the nuisance, isn’t it amazing that we can actually save daylight now?

Life is a wondrous and mysterious place.

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