Earthquakes and Volcanoes! Oh, My!

I was channel surfing on the web today when I caught somebody reporting about earthquakes and erupting volcanoes happening in the world right now. Life on this planet is no smooth ride, is it! But if things are going amiss in your world at the moment, think for a moment that at least you don’t have a river of red-hot lava getting ready to eat your house like those poor blokes on TV and the land beneath you isn’t shaking either. Anything short of that leaves you a big, wide swath of hope and possibilities. And even then, to be honest, one of the remaining possibilities, always, is the whisper of hope.

It took me a long time to understand hope. I just thought of it as a wish that things would turn out for the better as time marched on, like Little Orphan Annie singing ”The sun’ll come out tomorrow . . .” But that isn’t hope. It’s optimism maybe–a determination to look for the best. But hope isn’t the product of trying, of determination, of will. Hope is a lot looser than that. It’s softer. Lighter. Higher. Hope feels like taking in a slow, satisfying breath of fresh air, then letting it flow away. Hope is an acceptance, an ease. It’s a kind of faith, a willingness to let whatever is be whatever it is. Watching, and letting go–right? Remember?

It has nothing to do with wanting the next hour or day to be better than today. That’s a wish, and a judgment. Hope doesn’t judge. It just makes space for each moment to unfold and pass by. It allows for all possibilities and is ready to dance with any and all of them that emerge.

I think hope is what fills the space when you let go of fear.

Hope is a sister of peace I imagine. It floats up from the stillness of peace when your emotions and thoughts are balanced and clear. If your emotions or strong thoughts overpower you, remember the four phrases that change everything and chant them as you will

(I’m sorry;
Please forgive me;
Thank you;
I love you)

until you can see things for what they are, watching them and letting go. Watching, from this looser, easier, clearer perspective; acting from this easier, clearer perspective, feeling the peace, feeling the hope, feeling the power. Watching. Letting go.

It takes practice, this watching stuff. It is a practice, come to think of it. It’s learning to keep your attention on what is flowing across your awareness right now, moment to moment. And sometimes it’s the awareness of the watcher who is watching and you end up wondering who is watching the watcher. But never mind. That’s just an idea, floating past to divert you. See it? Let it go.

And when you do, watch how delicious the next breath of fresh air feels. And let it go.

No lava is threatening your house, and you are on solid ground. Maybe you’re even smiling right now..

I notice that I’m smiling as I type that. I notice myself imagining that you’re smiling as you read my words. Then I let it go, and imagine that you do, too, and we go into our days, filled with fresh hope.

Life is beautiful, isn’t it?


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