Day 4 – Echo Valley

Maybe ten miles from here, somewhere off one of the main roads, you can see their farm. I haven’t been past it in years. My memory is that it was one of those old family farms that had seen a few generations. Frame barn and outbuildings, painted white and red, well-kept and maintained. Donkeys maybe. A large garden. As I said, it’s been years.

I saw them perform live at some local festival when they were all still in their teens. Each of them is a highly skilled, talented musician. Their repertoire is wide-ranging, with something to speak to everyone’s heart and tapping toe.

I’m happy to see that the girls are still wearing their homemade gingham dresses. Their mother, who home-schooled them I’m told, taught them all homesteading skills. I believe someone told me that she passed away of cancer a couple years ago. She left behind a beautiful and amazing legacy.

This photo of them popped up on my Facebook timeline today with an announcement of the family’s upcoming performance at a rural Methodist church somewhere in the area. I envision a packed house. You can check them out if you want. On Facebook, they’re simply Echo Valley.

I thought you’d smile, knowing a group like this exists in rural 2021 America. Imagine astounding music, and keep smiling,

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