Even in this World

Even in this world awash with seeming madness,
the song of the Yes goes forth, its melody coaxing
birds to mate, flowers to bloom, lovers to embrace
each other in joy. It sprinkles bright stars in the sky
as a reminder that no night is wholly without light,
that worlds beyond our knowing dance in perfect order
in response to the symphony of its infinite love.

Even we, who sleepwalk through clouded dreams,
who mistakenly count ourselves as life’s victims,
whose confusion gives rise to hostility and pain,
even we are wonderfully made of its song
and can wake and claim our power to create,
to imagine, to build and dance and love and sing.
For even in this world awash with seeming madness,
the song of the Yes sings its soaring symphony
of endless, perfect, omnipresent love.

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