
Listen; I want to tell you something. Whether we have ever met in person, or talked together, or exchanged a few notes, even if you only linger here quietly, a name on my mailing list, whenever I think of you, I send you my love. I try to imagine who you are right now, what you might be doing, what it would be like to spend a couple hours together sharing stories.

One of the things I’ve discovered on my trek through the years is that people seem to play prominent parts in the theater of my mind. When I check in to see what I’m thinking, I often find that I’m having an excellent conversation with someone. I’ll hear her voice or his laugh, notice a characteristic gesture, feel what it feels like to be with that particular person, so different and distinct from all the others.

Even when we have never met in person, when all I have of someone, maybe you, is a name, maybe a few words and maybe a picture Even when someone exists only in memory now and some memories stretching back as far as childhood. Whatever the particular circumstances, I always swirl my love around them–around you, when you’re the one who has drifted into my thoughts. You, my fellow human being, are a significant part of my life. You provide the lessons and impart the meanings. You, my wondrous one-of-a-kind fellow human, are what gives life its most amazing flavor.

I think we’re all like that–that we all think about the people in our lives almost all the time. I think we all connect with each other like that. In our imaginations. Just because you are “only” imagining doesn’t mean what you’re experiencing isn’t real. Remember, we’re in a very mysterious place in wholly uncertain times. It’s a good thing if we hold each other in our minds, see each others’ smiles, dry each others’ tears, send claps on the back, wrap each other in encouraging and comforting hugs I think we strengthen each other when we do that–if “only” in our imaginations.

I just wanted to share that with you, send a batch of warm energy your way.

Pass it on, hey?

Smiling at you,

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