I Dreamed that We Were Bears

People think I’m kidding when I tell them I believe we’re part bear and we’re meant to be hibernating now. But I must tell you a big part of me would like to snuggle into my den and nap until the berries are ripe. I do not like the darkness and the cold, and winter creeps closer every day,

Even if you’re awake this time of year, it seems to me, reality itself has taken on the quality of a dream. It morphs so much and it’s so outrageous. Who could have imagined such a thing!

I heard an interesting speculation the other day. The plasma tube, the story says, in which our solar system–our sun, all the planets–is traveling through the universe has hit a section where it’s running so close to another plasma tube, which holds whole other kinds of worlds, that our energies sort of bleed through into each other’s plasma a little bit, and we find the effects disorienting. It sounded like as good a theory as any.

Nobody’s got the whole picture, you know. We all have our core beliefs. But really, no one sees the whole thing. Not anybody walking around in a human-suit anyway. Not even you or me, as much as we like to imagine so.

Basically, I think we’re all here to witness it, and the more we see of it the more we realize we need to be kind to others, whatever their own views might be. Even, and perhaps especially, when their views seem contrary to our own. That does not mean we must tolerate wrongs. It means to use balanced action when dealing with them.

I just learned the phrase ”balanced action” this week. The guy who used it really caught my ear when he spoke it as part of the even-better phrase, “the joy of balanced action.” I loved having words for it at last,

That’s kind of what I strive for, that perfectly balanced dance of joy. Alive. Aware. Loving. Grateful.



Help yourself to some. It’s good stuff.


Image by Pixamio from Pixabay

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