Lessons from the Trees

When you want a taste of peace,
this is a place you can come, this place
where the tall ones rise from the earth
and tower toward the sky.
Stand among them and be still;
stillness is their first gift to you.
Feel how you are rooted in the earth
and formed from it. Breathe in
the light and the moist, warm air.
Notice the dance of the life force
through your veins and the music
of its movement. Notice
how it is not contained within you,
but flows with your breath, carrying
your essence outward into the air
to dance with the essences of grass
and flowers, trees, and ants and birds,
your note forming part of the song.
Watch the trees allow their leaves
to color and fall, the seasons
to change, time to flow. Hear
them breathing the Yes.
Taste its essence in the air,
flowing into you, and through you,
beyond the farthest edge of time.

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