Let It Shine

Anybody can cry about the things in life they lack. We all have our dreams of greener pastures. But the truth is it’s not tears that turn the barren spots green. It’s the life-giving sunlight of joy that transforms them.

And here is how you make the sun rise in your life, even in the depths of your darkest night: Give thanks!

You’ll know you’re in the darkness of night if you want to tell me that it’s easy for me to say, “give thanks,” if you want to tell me the long, sad list of deprivations you’re suffering, the burdens your bearing, and the injustices with which you contend. I understand. I hear your pain. I see your suffering. Honestly, I do. That’s why I’m here, with this little beam of light, offering to share. I’m a joy-warrior; it’s my job.

So listen. Give this a try. You have nothing to lose.

Find something for which you are grateful. Anything. The smallest thing. Can you see? Can you hear? Can you draw a breath? Can you move at least some part of your body?

Can you think? Can you imagine? Can you dream?

Can you remember a happy moment in your life? Who was with you? What were you doing? Can you remember another time?

Can you remember feeling inspired? Loved? Loving? Being kind? Receiving an act of kindness?

What was the best meal you ever ate? The best music you ever heard? The most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen? The best laugh you ever had?

See? Those are the moments of sunlight. They’re in you, a part of who you are. And when you let your thoughts dwell on them, the intensity of the light grows and illumines more and more of your world. Recognize the goodness in your life. Savor it. Appreciate it. Allow yourself to consider it a treasure, and give thanks that it is yours, and that nothing can take it from you.

The difficulties of the moment are only that. Momentary difficulties. Even if you can see no end to them. If you’re wise, you won’t try. No one knows what the next moment will bring, regardless of life’s seeming direction. Surprises happen. Lucky accidents. Unexpected connections. Fresh ideas. Give thanks for possibilities.

Most of all, give thanks for this very moment. Against all odds, you’re here—a one-of-a-kind human being, drawing breath in an amazing and mysterious world. Plug into it’s light. Give thanks!

Then go about your way, humming that sweet old ditty, “This little light of mine . . . I’m gonna let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine.”


Photo by Alex Hu from Pixabay

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