For all the wondrous variety
that brings us such delight,
for the orange of things and the green,
for the moist and dry, the passing seasons,
for earth and air and sea and sky
and all the things to which they give life,
let us give thanks.
And let us give thanks for thankfulness itself,
and for hearts that can know its fullness.
Let us be open to joy and revelry,
to the touch of a kind word, a caring glance.
Let us sing the connections that bind us,
one to the next, to the next.
Let us celebrate the morning
and the bright dancing air.
Let us applaud the firing neurons
and the shooting stars.
Let us make merry for the day’s music
and the ears that collect its sound.
Oh, let us be glad and grateful
for the endlessly streaming wonders,
for the grand mystery of it all,
and for our being in the very midst of it.
Let us give thanks.