Musings on a Christmas Morning

There’s something daunting about settling in at my keyboard to share some moments with you and then realizing, as I begin to type the date, that it’s Christmas!

I’m stunned. Do I need to be especially profound or something? Oh my! What does all of this mean?

I sit perfectly still, unable to form a single thought. My awareness is wholly caught up in the present, in the data my senses convey–the warmth of the room, the lamp’s golden light, the soft holiday jazz drifting through the air. From somewhere near the center of me, a stream of affection spirals into my awareness carrying images of dear ones, far and near. And the magic of the day wraps around me and sinks into me in glistening whispers of peace.

I like what I wrote about it yesterday, this most amazing moment in time: Its light touches us. Now each of us gets to decide how we’ll respond. “Who do you want to be in the light of this new day?” What a delicious question for morning to bring! It’s among her best, I’d say. “What will you do in this new day’s light?” What a gift!

I hope you know that I’m wishing you the very best as the year draws quickly to a close. I’m looking forward to traversing the coming days with you. Great challenges lie ahead. What a privilege to live in such momentous times!

I won’t keep you. I just wanted to send a Christmas hug, and to share a quote about the holiday from Mother Teresa that nicely sums things up for me as well. “It’s Christmas,” she wrote, “any time that you let God love others through you.”

To those of you who celebrate it, Merry Christmas. And to everyone, wishes for peace and joy.


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