Nods from the Universe

I found it. The article I mentioned last week was exactly where I thought it was, so I retrieved it easily. I had the name wrong. It was originally “Four Simple Phrases that Change Everything.” I told you last week that I thought it was “Four Magic Phrases . . .”

What I once thought simple has turned out to be so multifaceted and multi-layered that I can only think of it as magical, in the most wondrous, childlike sense of the word. I keep slipping, I’ve noticed, into this trance of awe where everything surprises me with its intricacy and perfection. It’s beyond comprehension. But there it is: everywhere.

Take, for instance, synchronicities. I don’t notice them often, but when I do they are usually quite fun, and interesting. The night before I dug out my old drive to retrieve the article, I was surfing from channel to channel and happened to land on one where the fellah speaking was a philosopher and he just happened to mention the Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono–the very one to which I referred in my introduction of my article. Then he shared the four phrases around which my article was centered. And he said them in the same order I do, although you can choose any order you like.

I’m sorry.
Please Forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.

I thought that was cool, a kind of nod from the universe that I was on the right track. It’s not like you run into a practitioner of this offshoot of traditional Ho’oponopono very often. It doesn’t generally come up in everyday conversation.

The second synchonicity about the article happened when I opened it. I noticed the date of its original publication: July 25, 2015. How about that! Exactly six years from today.

I considered reprinting the original article as-is, but after working with the four phrases for over half a decade now, there’s more I want to say than what this original article said. I don’t mean to tease you by saying, “Not yet.” I’m telling you good things are in store.

So . . . synchronicities slide me into trances of awe. You can go down quite a deep and twisty rabbit hole thinking about them, for sure! So I just smile at them, consider them a wink from the universe, and carry on.

Another thing that nudges me into the awe-pool is a greeting from my hawk. (I don’t mean “my” in a possessive sense. It’s just a shorthand for “my friend the hawk.”) He called to me twice this week, and when I called back, he flew to the open space above my head and circled there while we called to each other. We have quite a history, we two. Those were magical moments for me.

I ran across a list of positive emotions the other day. Awe is one of them, and definitely one of my favorites. But the top-of-the-list one for me is contentment.

I’ll wish you some of that. Especially as we come to the end of this week’s ramblings.

Have some serenity. Be at peace. Just for a moment, bathe in contentment.


Much warmth,

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