On Impulse

I was going to do my errands first,
then stop at the lake on my way home.
But an impulse prompted me: Stop now.
It was a cool morning, full of sunlight,
blue skies, puffy clouds. Geese sifted
through the grasses at the lakes’ edge
for their breakfast. A lone fisherman
was perched on the far shore. The air
was fresh and tasted like springtime.
As I hiked the worn path lining the lake
I spotted something up ahead. A goose,
crossing the path with five fuzzy babies,
heading toward the water for a swim.
I inched toward them. She was unafraid,
but watchful, and I kept my distance
out of respect as she gathered her brood
on the shore. Moments later, her mate
appeared and the two of them led the chicks
into the water and family floated away.
I watched them for a long while, smiling
and thankful that some impulse told me
something here needed me to see it.

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