Day 33 – The Coming Storm

At 2:30 in the afternoon the sun was behind the south hill, but the day was unusually warm and bright. I went out to bring in the rest of my firewood. Starting tomorrow night, they say, we’ll get between three to six inches of a “wintry mix” of sleet and snow, topped with a glaze of ice. It’s the kind of weather that brings down power lines and trees. It’s best to be prepared.

Before I turn to take the last log into the house, I ask Mother Maple and the Hawk Tree to protect me and all their children, as if they had such powers, and send them wishes to fare well through the storm. Both of them have seen many storms before. This is nothing new either for them or for me. And truth be told, it will impact other regions of the country far more than the one where we stand. I say these things to the trees only because we have spent many years together and they hold a special place in my heart.

The good news is that tomorrow is Ground Hog’s Day, and the coming storm’s approach means the sky will be blanketed with clouds. According to the legend, when the ground hog doesn’t see his shadow on the second day of February, it portends an early spring. In my book a little storm seems a small price to pay for such luxury. Bring it on.

Day 32 – Tracks in the Snow

In the light of the afternoon sun you can see that deer have passed by, that the little juncos were out pecking through the snow for seeds. The long shadows of the trees follow the curves of the hill down its slopes. And the snow itself glitters as if a choir of angels had spent the night sprinkling diamond dust from the heavens.

“This is your reward,” I think to myself as I climb the hill. The snow rises in glistening little clouds around my boots. I stop for a moment and listen to the silence of the woods. The birds have had their breakfasts and are resting now, conserving their energy. I’m as grateful on their behalf as I am for my own sake that the sun has reappeared with its gentle winter warmth. We needed this.

 I notice that my face is wearing a smile as I continue my climb, adding my tracks to those the animals made. They seem to link us together somehow, these signs that we were here, on this hill, in the shimmering snow at this moment in time. “Every now and then,” I sometimes say, “a moment comes along that makes all the rest of them worth it.” This, surely, is one of those.

For the Birds

The temperatures here this week have been in the teens and single digits, keeping me mainly inside. My only certain excursions are my trip to retrieve the mail from the box at the far end of my driveway—an adventure in itself—and a few trips to the big, flat rocks atop the retaining wall where I put the sunflower seeds for the birds.

The birds have become a source of fascination. Not only do they entertain me and teach me, but they touch me with their seeming vulnerability. It amazes me that they can endure such cold, and survive when every source of water is frozen and their main sources of food are buried beneath what, to them, must seem to be mountains of snow.

They kindle my sense of wonder and awe at the way the world works, at how things are woven together in complex and beautiful ways meant to benefit every living creature. Even us. Even when we have a hard time seeing how everything we encounter sustains and grows us. Even when life seems anything but beautiful.

I don’t think the birds digging in the snow for hidden seeds think how amazing it is that their feet don’t freeze, or that mere feathers are enough to keep their little bodies warm. They take such things for granted. We take for granted the things that keep us going, too. Our hearts beat, our lungs breathe, our wounds heal without our giving them a thought or thinking that we ought to be in charge. We laugh and love without asking how it can be that we do such things. And yet, aren’t they miraculous?

In some ways, I’ve noticed, the birds seem smarter than us. I don’t think they grumble about the cold, or about the work involved in digging with tiny feet through deep snow to find a little morsel of food. They don’t waste time in worry or complaining or fear. They just go about their business and get things done. They spread the word to others when they discover a decent eatery and share their table with birds of every shape and color and size. They don’t pick fights. They learn who the bullies are and simply keep their distance. And most of the time, they just seem so downright happy to be birds being birds. It’s kind of wonderful really.

If the weather hadn’t driven me to spend my days inside, peering out my window for signs of life, I would have missed all these little lessons and observations. It’s just one more example of the way that life weaves things together in such beneficial ways. As my neighbor often says as he points his finger skyward, “It kind of makes you think Someone’s watching out for us, doesn’t it?”

“Yes,” I tell him, smiling. “It certainly does.”

Wishing you a week of beautiful moments.


Day 31 – Gifts of the Heart

A story I wrote for an old blog in 2011 . . .

The old man was still stiff when he woke. With great effort, he managed to prop himself up on his elbow and lift himself to a sitting position on his bed. The pain shot down his spine. This was the fifth day; it wasn’t getting any better.

He had just finished pulling on his clothes when his son called. “You want to help me cut some wood? We’re out,” The younger man said.

Over the years the old man had learned that keeping active was often the cure for aches and pains. And besides, he had a belly full of ambition that the years just couldn’t use up. His neighbor lady was out of wood, too, he thought; he’d bring her enough to get her by for a day or two. And besides, he’d promised her he would bring the Sunday paper.

Clenching his teeth against the pain, he pulled on his heavy coat and boots, tucked the paper under his arm and climbed into his old pick up truck.

He loved the sound of the chain saw cutting through the wood. And this was cherry; it would burn hot and long. As he worked with his son in the cold morning, he almost forgot the burning pain in his back. The two men worked together, the steam pumping from their mouths, for over an hour. When they were finished, hefty piles of logs filled the beds of their trucks.

Spotting a few scrap slices of wood on the snow, the old man bent to pick them up and threw them in his truck’s cab, smiling. She would like these, he thought. She’ll think they’re pretty.

Minutes later, he was knocking at her door. “Hope you got a pot of coffee going,” he said. “That cold out there is damp.”

She poured coffee and put a pot of chili on the stove to warm as he told her all the local gossip. “I didn’t come for the lunch!” he protested as she put a steamy bowl in front of him. But he ate it greedily and said, “That’s the best chili I ever had.”

They hauled in the logs together and as she lit a fire in the kitchen’s wood stove, he headed back out to the truck. When he returned, he set four little slabs of wood on her counter top and said, “You might want to take pictures of these. Pretty aren’t they?”

“That red in the center is called heart wood,” he told her, “and this stuff on the edge is sap wood. See the rings in the middle?”

He drank another half cup of coffee and pointed out things in the paper that interested him. Then he slowly pulled himself from the chair, groaning. “I think I’ll call doc tomorrow,” he said. “My back’s not better at all.”

She watched through the window as he walked back to his truck, sorry for his pain, and grateful for the wood, with its heart, and for her neighbor, and his heart. And she was warmed by the kindness and the fire.

Day 30 – Some Mornings

On some mornings, the sheets feel especially soft, the blankets wonderfully warm. Outside the kitchen window, the thermometer tells why,

But in the lilac, the wee birds, feathered balls plumped against the cold, are already gathered, waiting for seed. And the woodstove, too, wants feeding.

I pour a cup of hot coffee, add a dollop of cream, pull on my boots and gloves, and out I go. The birds flee, as if I have startled them from deep dreams. But the chickadees return as I sing to them, chirping their own little songs. And before I am even back in the house, the rest of the birds come, too.

The warmth from the stove’s glowing embers greets my face as I open its door and offer it a fresh supply of the maple branches I dragged down the hill last fall and cut to just the right size.

I sweep the bits of snow my boots tracked in, sip coffee, watch the birds through the window.

The rising sun is painting the trees with gold.

This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Yes. I will be glad and savor its joy.

Day 29 ~ Mind-Sailing

Jack Frost left this etching on my window this morning. I call it “Dreaming of Palm Trees.” The temperature here has been hovering just north of 0 for a couple days now. I think Jack was offering a getaway.

Half a century ago, musicians I liked wrote a piece called “Thinking is the Best Way to Travel.” Prescient boys, those. I think they got that one exactly right.

Day 28 – Lessons in Silence

I call her The Mother Tree. She dominates the south hill, rising from near its crest, her graceful branches spread wide, as if in welcome.

I’ve watched her swell with pink buds in the springtime that evolve into summer’s green leaves. In autumn, she wears red as only a maple can do. And now, in winter, she dances naked in the wind and embraces the falling snow.

She’s twice as old as I am, and maybe half again more.

A hundred years ago, a road that stretched between New York and Chicago passed beneath her limbs. Travelers would stop to rest and perhaps to spend the night in the house just down the hill from her, the one where I live now. She’s seen the miners dig coal right over there to the west, and clear fields in the valley to the north, turning them into farmland. She’s watched the lives of all the woodland’s creatures, and of the humans who passed by or stopped to make their homes here .

I figure she knows a thing or two. So when I’m troubled and want to scream to the world about the errors of its ways, about all its injustices and wrongs, I open the back door and gaze at her for a while. And she tells me to be at peace, that it is the wind’s task to bluster, and the creek’s role to roar, and that some of us are meant simply to stand, and watch, and let go. Your gifts will bud and spread and fall, all of their own accord. And your essence will sing through your being.

Day 27 – Fighting Cabin Fever

The snow plow just went past for about the twentieth time today. But the snow has finally stopped now and this pass should be his last. According to the weather guys, we have three days of sunshine coming up. Three whole days! In a row! It’s like a reward for enduring the gloom.

The first day after the Big Snow I got to go out and play. I shoveled the sidewalk and made paths to everywhere in the yard I might need to go. But then everything iced up, and navigating got tricky. Indoors was the safest place to be.

It was sort of like a weather-imposed lockdown. It called forth a renewed wave of empathy for all of us who suffered inside for reasons (or lack of them, depending on your point of view) unrelated to weather.

I was beginning to get bored. But then I remembered to exercise, get the blood pumping, clear the pipes. While I bounced on my rebounder, I started to make a mental list of all the things I could do inside. Then, from out of nowhere, the Statler Brothers popped into my head and started singing: “Counting flowers on the wall . . .” It made me laugh. Things-I-Could-Do-Indoors lists can be a lot more creative and fun than that.

Laughing was just what I needed, the icing on the exercise cake so to speak. Try ‘em both if you’re bored. Then make a list.