Autumn’s First Signs

The first leaves color and fall.
The light comes later and fades
all too soon. But in the heap
of wild foliage at the roadside
pale purple asters begin
their autumn dance. And oh,
the luscious fragrance
in the air!

Categorized as Summer 2023

Rough Neighborhoods

Finding themselves on rocky ground,
surrounded by the broken and the fallen,
in a place where the sun can find only
brief and narrow openings,
some spirits nonetheless thrive,
rejecting excuses for failing,
choosing instead to laugh and stand tall,
to shine their light, to blossom in love
and live free. If you should see them,
let your heart applaud.

Categorized as Summer 2023

Note to Self

Let your eye see beauty.
Meet the eyes of a stranger
with a smile. Dare to sing.
Allow yourself to savor
the pleasures of the moment,
even though the world
is filled with fear and pain.
Your one courageous act
of joy lessens the weight
of suffering that the world
has to bear. Do your best.
Tilt toward the light

Categorized as Summer 2023

Seize the Day

In a current events forum I frequent, I noticed a signature line: “Carpe Diem [Latin for “Seize the Day”]—It may be the only one you’ve got.” The writer intended it as a comment on the current state of world affairs, as a caution that because our world seems such a powder keg, we had better make the most of today.

I know that in certain circles, it’s popular to suggest that you should avoid the news, given its typically distressing nature, and focus instead on thoughts of a positive bent. I’m all in favor of focusing on life’s goodness, and firmly believe that it far outweighs the bad. But personally, I prefer to know what’s happening around the planet, whether the news is scary or not, and even when it sometimes breaks my heart.

For me, keeping tabs on world events is a matter of satisfying my curiosity about the nature of outer reality. It’s engagement with the world and part of the stewardship of citizenship. Even when reading it suggests to me that the whole human race is galloping headlong toward cataclysmic disaster, I’m happier knowing the context in which I live than I would be not knowing. I figure I can’t be part of the solution unless I have some understanding of the problem, after all.

But getting back to that signature line, “Carpe Diem” has been worthy advice since a poet named Horace first penned the words over 2,000 years ago. The rest of the sentence that begins with those words is “and put no trust in tomorrow.”

Of course we all do put trust in tomorrow. Trusting in tomorrow is what lets us dream and hope and plan; it’s what gives meaning to many of the activities we invest ourselves in today.

Nevertheless, tomorrow is an iffy kind of thing, even in the best of times. And while we’d like to believe it will unfold more or less according to our expectations, that’s never a certainty. The advice to grab hold of today is recognition of that fact. “Carpe Diem” is a spirited reminder that today—in fact, this moment—is the only day we know we have. It’s meant to be grabbed with eager attention and lived with vigor and zest. And if we squander all its moments living for, or dreading, our tomorrows, we miss the riches it holds for us to enjoy.

It’s a reminder to be aware of those things that bring you happiness and satisfaction, and to take time to savor them in the here and now. It’s a reminder to smell the roses, to appreciate good company, to feel gratitude for the things that comfort and challenge and strengthen and uplift us. That’s how we make memories worth reliving, after all, and how we give our lives meaning and flavor and joy.

“Carpe Diem.” It’s a bit of happiness-counsel worth heading. Put it on a sticky note somewhere that you’ll see it and when you do, take a moment to live its advice.

Wishing you days of vibrant joy.


Image by Jan Alexander from Pixabay

Somewhere in the World

Somewhere in the world,
bright flowers are blooming.
Somewhere, the sun is shining down.
Lovers are embracing somewhere and
children are dreaming in their mother’s arms.
Somewhere, great music is playing
and songs are being sung. Someone
is climbing a mountain, someone
is offering prayer. Somewhere,
friends are breaking bread and weaving
memories. Somewhere, butterflies
float and colored birds take wing.
Somewhere stars are glittering
in a velvet sky. And everywhere,
always, the Great Yes unfolds
in waves of limitless love.

Categorized as Summer 2023

When Storms Loom

When storms loom, remember
to stay rooted in the now,
loving all who surround you,
bringing them into the comfort of your calm,
into the reach of your heart’s trusting song,
the serenity and light of your smile.
Do what the moment requests of you,
whether that be patience or strength,
whether firmness or flexibility.
Count your current blessings.
You are here.
Let the wonder of that sustain you,
though there be storms.

Categorized as Summer 2023

Some Love

All love goes beyond words.  
Some of it’s so deep you can’t even think it,
only feel it in your heart.  
And then there’s the love that’s made of
all the bits and crumbs of love that ever were.
Why, it’s so big that all it can do is paint itself
all over everything, right before your very eyes.

Categorized as Summer 2023

Reminders of Grace

Regardless of how things may seem,
regardless of confusion, conflict and pain,
always there is that which is pure
and simple and singing with joy,
that which gives balance
and the assurance of grace.
Go about your day, then, with gladness.
These blossoms are reminders
that we’re all dearly loved.
Even me, even you.

Categorized as Summer 2023

Painting on the Rocks

The leaves tumble down to the creek‘s floor
like careless drops from the brush of an unseen artist.
Splattering the rocks with autumn rainbow hues,
they and the creek make a painting of their own.
But this is no accident. There’s nothing careless here.
It took eons to produce this scene, time beyond measure.
All for this moment, this one breath of a day,
when the light and the breeze were just so,
and it was early September.

Categorized as Summer 2023


One by one, the leaves decide.
Who will go first? Who will hang on?
Who will be the last to go?
Already some cannot resist
the chance to fly, to ride the wind
free of any restraint, to sail birdlike
on wings of air. Most wait,
savoring the familiar view, savoring
its changes. There is no right or wrong.
Time signals each one when to fly.
And time, the bubbling creek says,
has a way of doing things
in exactly the perfect order.

Categorized as Summer 2023