Among the Trees on New Year’s Day

Except for the strength of it,
I suppose you could call it an impulse,
this sudden sense that I must go now
and walk among trees. Given the gloom
of the day and the late afternoon hour,
this tug surprised me. But here I was,
pulling on my boots, grabbing my gloves,
detecting a sense of purpose, a need to waste
no time. Then I am plowing through
a carpet of oak leaves, transfixed
by the way the light shimmers through
the cold, barely visible mist,
intensifying somehow the textures
of the skins of the trees, of the earth
and the ice-glazed lake, how it amplifies
their winter hues. This was my wordless
lesson, this offering of beauty, a gift of love
to celebrate this new year’s very first day.

What’s Trying to Hug You?

Well, first and foremost, let’s share a New Year’s toast: “May this brand new year be the best one yet, for each and every one of us!” Happy New Year to you, from my heart.

I got a wonderful present this week from a Facebook friend, Nanda Jurela, who shares her insightful wisdom on her blog. The gift was what she called an “enlightening motto” that she had heard a few years ago. It says, “You can’t embrace what is trying to hug you while holding onto yesterday’s junk.”

I’m adopting that one myself, thank you, Nanda.

Imagine waking up every day of the new year wondering what hugs will come hoping for your embrace! They could come dressed up as anything. They could be any color, or shape, or size. The only thing they all have in common is that they’re filled with goodness and a very particular fondness for you.

Personally, I’m going to make a mini-poster to hang on my bedroom wall where I’ll see it as I step out into the day: “You can’t embrace what is trying to hug you while holding onto yesterday’s junk.” I suspect its junk is all that stands between us and genuine joy. I’ll remind myself, too, that even one minute ago can be “so yesterday.”

I’ll be sharing my thoughts about “genuine joy” over the coming weeks, and about things that serve to invite more of it into our lives. What better way to begin than to practice noticing life’s little reminders that it’s on your side and just waiting for you to take its assurance that you are so dearly loved–even when you’re a mess!

The hugs are always there, you know. Go around expecting them to pop into your world at any moment. Chances are, if you think about them during the day it’s because one is trying to get your attention. And all you have to do to grab it is to let go of yesterday’s junk!

It might come as a thought, as a hope, as a new possibility. It might fall across your path as something you hear or read or see in the sky. It might come as a silver lining. A person could bring it, or the mail, or an elephant. Hugs can wear any costume you can imagine, and a bunch of them that you can’t. But every hug life gives you—never, ever forget—comes especially for you and is exactly what you need. So do remember to say thanks. Then be on the lookout for the next one. And the next. And the next.

May you go through the year with open eyes. empty arms, and a peaceful heart.

Happy New Year, my friend.


Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

On This Last Day of the Year

Look how they stand, these two,
strong and holding their limbs high
as if in grateful praise, and this despite
fate’s assaults, despite the storms
they weathered so patiently, so sure.
See how they face the light, and how,
beside them, their companions dance
and raise their boughs in song.
Perhaps they know this day marks
a wondrous turning into some newborn
unknown. And look how strong
and glad they stand to greet it!

Walk Among Trees

Scarlet Oak, December 30, 2022

Of course you can’t walk among trees
and not look up. To miss those great limbs
with their thin twigs tracing calligraphy
against the sky would be a sin. And
besides, sometimes, the sight of their crowns
is enough to take your breath away.

Lessons, Day 2

I confess. In summer I give them
little more than a passing glance,
maybe a little smile or a touch
now and then. But winter has come,
and they call me, the skins of these trees.
Now I stare in awe at their colors,
at the textures and layers and designs,
each unique, each similar to the others
in its family. I could learn all their names.
But now I want nothing more than to see,
to get lost in the wonder, to find myself
moist-eyed as I drink in this song.

To See this Familiar Place

To see this familiar place with fresh eyes
was a gift. I felt as if I had never walked
these grounds before and now how beautiful
it all was at high noon on a winter day
with a cloud-veiled sun in the sky.
And how its quiet sang!

What called me was the long swath
of dried goldenrod, looking like a troop
of old men telling tales amongst themselves
as they kept watch over this sacred land.
I remember seeing them here in their youth,
all green seed and golden flowers.
How tall they still stand now, how glorious
the way the light touches their crowns.

Lessons, Day 1

The course description was accurate.
The lessons are subtle and it will take time
to understand all that is before you,
how to unravel the language,
to detect the rhythm and speed.
And after you have got that far
you can let it sink deeper, holding
your attention on it, naming nothing,
just giving it your whole self until,
with a bright spark, it touches the edges
of your understanding, pushing up
the corners of your mouth.

Settling In

It will be like this now. Consider it
a class in neutrals and form.
The lessons are subtle and ask for
deep listening and observation.
Our kind, you may have noticed,
seems not to do that well. Most
can’t bother. Some persevere.
And it is for them that the season
comes, and lingers, whispering
its matchless secrets, hour after hour.

My Window on Christmas Day

I’ve been gathering feathers for years now.
I keep these few in the miniature vases
of which I am so fond on the sill
of the window where I work in winter.
This has been their appointed spot
for a long while. Normally, my eyes
focus beyond them at the scene behind
the spruce’s boughs or at the boughs themselves
where sometimes a bird will light for a moment.
But the cold of the day has glazed the window
with sheets of ice and a garland of frost, directing
my gaze at the feathers, and I think how I love them
and the birds who gave them to me and the images
of birds they evoke in my mind, and the beautiful feeling
of freedom.

Musings on a Christmas Morning

There’s something daunting about settling in at my keyboard to share some moments with you and then realizing, as I begin to type the date, that it’s Christmas!

I’m stunned. Do I need to be especially profound or something? Oh my! What does all of this mean?

I sit perfectly still, unable to form a single thought. My awareness is wholly caught up in the present, in the data my senses convey–the warmth of the room, the lamp’s golden light, the soft holiday jazz drifting through the air. From somewhere near the center of me, a stream of affection spirals into my awareness carrying images of dear ones, far and near. And the magic of the day wraps around me and sinks into me in glistening whispers of peace.

I like what I wrote about it yesterday, this most amazing moment in time: Its light touches us. Now each of us gets to decide how we’ll respond. “Who do you want to be in the light of this new day?” What a delicious question for morning to bring! It’s among her best, I’d say. “What will you do in this new day’s light?” What a gift!

I hope you know that I’m wishing you the very best as the year draws quickly to a close. I’m looking forward to traversing the coming days with you. Great challenges lie ahead. What a privilege to live in such momentous times!

I won’t keep you. I just wanted to send a Christmas hug, and to share a quote about the holiday from Mother Teresa that nicely sums things up for me as well. “It’s Christmas,” she wrote, “any time that you let God love others through you.”

To those of you who celebrate it, Merry Christmas. And to everyone, wishes for peace and joy.
