You never know when you set out what your journey will bring. Anything you can imagine is possible, and then some. It’s all a gift, you know, a chance for you to explore your choices, to decide who you will be, and to discover what you’re made of. Hold onto your hope and keep your faith, remembering that, regardless, light shines at the end of the road.
In days of sunshine and those of trial, whether by happenstance or choice, life sends us the gift of companions for our journey, spirits to walk beside us, to share our laughter and our tears, our stories and our silences. Some stay only for moments, bringing a word, a look, a smile. Some come, then go, then reappear. Some walk beside us for long miles, for lifetimes, and maybe more. Love, after all, never dies. And it is Love that sends them, these companions, that each of us may know that we are never truly alone.
Here’s where the deer lie, sheltered by sycamores, cooled by the green leaves of tall wild sunflowers, the sun filtering down to kiss their pelts with warmth. This is the place they dream of in winter, the place they sing of in lullabies to newborn fawns in early spring when they lick their soft hair and promise them tomorrows filled with flowers and sunshine.
A couple decades ago, I began my online writing career with a now-defunct site called “The Magical Mirror Machine.” It was a continuation of a paper newsletter of the same name that I sent to people who signed up for it at The Mind’s Eye, a metaphysical bookstore and art gallery that I ran at the time.
The premise of the Magical Mirror Machine is that the world reflects back to us exactly who we are.
I remembered it this week when a bout of introspection got me to thinking about the way that we often criticize in others the very shortcomings that we’re most blind to in ourselves. If we paid attention to what the Magical Mirror was showing us, we’d have a good idea where we could use a course-correction ourselves.
Try it out. The next time you catch yourself criticizing somebody, think about what you want them to be that you believe they’re not being. Then ask yourself in what ways you are guilty of the same thing.
It can take a little digging. If you’re nagging your roommate because he always leaves his socks on the floor, the Mirror probably isn’t saying that you should be neater yourself. (Although that might be the message. Are you always leaving globs of toothpaste in the bathroom sink?) Instead, the Mirror is often seeing through your surface complaint to a deeper issue.
It could be saying, for instance, that you wish your roommate would be more appreciative of the work you do to keep your environment clean and tidy. In other words, you want more appreciation for your contributions to the household. Hmmm. And just how appreciative are you of his contributions? When’s the last time you sincerely and specifically expressed your thanks for all he does?
The way the Mirror works is that what you put out, it reflects back. If you want to get back something different, try putting it out. If you want to be listened to, listen more. If you want more affection, give more of it.
But don’t forget to look at the merit that the Mirror shows you as well. When you’re keenly interested in something, the Mirror is hinting at one of your strengths. When you’re enjoying making something, it’s reflecting your creativity and skills. When you notice how kind people are, it’s reflecting your own kindness. When you’re laughing, it’s showing you what you enjoy.
And it’s these kinds of messages, the positive ones, that will tell you what will truly enrich your life. Notice when the Mirror is reflecting your best traits, and cultivate those. Learn what makes you happy, what touches your heart, what makes you feel strong and capable and confident, and make a point of doing more of those things.
We always get farther by cultivating our strengths than by trying to fix our weaknesses. And once you know what your strengths truly are, you can draw on them to guide you the next time the Mirror shows you a place that needs a little polishing.
From out of the darkness the gold bursts forth in fiery, rayed blossoms that sing of the power of the sun, blazing life, brimming with joy, dancing to the song of the ever-burgeoning Yes. Away with your dreams of barren endings. This Now, bathed in late-summer perfume, abuzz with bees, is all there is, and its sun will travel with you into all of your tomorrows.
Deep in the woods, the vines turn crimson. But the river still holds summer’s green with its pungent scent and its emerald flowing and its warm and peaceful song. Here, flowers still blossom along the banks, the bees still float from bloom to bloom. And we pull it all inside us, to keep, forever, this sweet incomparable green.
She mixes up some pails of color and hands them to the elves. September is less than ten days away. Let’s give the red and the yellow a whirl. and see how they look in the sun. Let’s see how they mix, how they blend. Don’t go crazy now; just do this one tree—this one, where few will notice. Try a few patterns, some speckles, some stripes. Leave a touch of green here and there. That’s it. Good job. What do you think? Are we ready to go? Let’s start with the sumac and vines, okay?
All day, the air, heavy and damp, pressed against our skin like steamed towels. Not a leaf moved. Even the bees seemed slow, as if they were rowing from one drooped blossom to another. And through it all, one prayer prevailed: Relief! Then, as if this one request had finally reached the required level of ascent, the sky took on the color of marmalade and the trees began to dance in its glow, buoyed by a cool wind filled with the fragrance of rain. And when it came, falling from the luminous sky, all the earth, revived and joyous, sang.
What was that? You wanted butterflies? Let me whisper a secret. So did I— those little wafers of color darting among the flowers, sipping their nectar, tracing happy flutterings in the summer air. Yes! What a delight! May each flower be sweeter for them than the last. May every moment of their lives be filled with perfect joy.