Pal Power

Last week, for the first time this winter, we got a couple of inches of snow. Enthralled by the beauty of it, I grabbed my camera and headed for a nearby nature park, one of my favorite haunts. I was walking through the pine forest at the edge of the lake and had just stopped to take photos of a stand of young pines when, to my surprise, a woman appeared from behind me.

We exchanged a few words, discovered we were of like minds, and traded phone numbers. Each of us left knowing that we had met a new friend. Maybe you have had one of those encounters, where you meet someone and feel at once as if you have known them forever. This was one of those.

I’m delighted to have a new friend. I had an open space in my heart, waiting for one.

I have been thinking about friendship lately and what a gift it is. When I redid my office bulletin boards a couple weeks ago, I posted photos of my closest friends so I could gaze at their faces when I’m thinking of them. And I think of them daily.

Then yesterday, while I was browsing through some old files, I came across a little tribute to friendship that I’d written over a decade ago. I called it “Pal Power,” and I thought it would be nice to share with you today. I hope it will stir you to think about the friends who have enriched your life, and who do so today, and what they mean to you.

So here it is, “Pal Power:”

When it comes to adding some light to your days, few things have the power of a pal. You know, the kind who has spent a heap of days with you, seen you in all your moods and loves you anyway.

Pals know the real of you, beyond all the faces you wear. They know when to move in close, to hold you up, to speak hard truths.

They know when to give you room. They back you with their faith and trust when you step out in new directions.

Pals bathe you in their laughter, delight in your stories, applaud your triumphs, and celebrate your moments of joy.

And they’re there for you in the hard times, too, their words full of encouragement, their hearts full of understanding. They remind you of your strengths and slip you little handfuls of courage to get you through.

They dust you off when you fall, and laugh with you while you sort out your lessons, and never stop cheering for you, no matter what.

What greater ease, what more joyous comfort does life offer? Whatever the fates may bring, when you’re blessed with a worthy companion, you are blessed indeed.

Wishing you friendships, old and new.


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