Prayer for the Fledgling Robins

In celebration of their 10th day of life.

Oh, Great Yes, whose promptings
led these little ones to chirp this morning
from their safe, if crowded, nest,
singing their notes into the huge, unknown world,
please protect them. Keep them safe
from prowling beasts and teach them
how to shelter from the rains. Help them,
with their just-opened eyes, to see
that the world is a welcoming place,
and strengthen them with each passing hour
until they can spread their wings and fly.
Comfort their parents, who even now,
are sending anxious cries from nearby branches,
and help them bring juicy worms until
the babies learn to find them on their own.
One more thing. Accept my thanks
for letting me watch this miracle unfold
and for placing these almost-smiling fledglings
at my door. In the name of Love, which flows
unendingly from Your heart, Thank You!
And Amen.

Early Morning, May 5, 2022
05-11-22 Before I Ever-so-Lightly Touched a Branch
05-11-22 After
05-13-22 Morning Snooze
05-13-22 After Lunch
05-14-22 Morning of their 10th Day

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