Here’s to all the lovers, who count
not the flaws, but see to the depths
of the heart of the beloved,
who treasure a glance, a wink,
a smile as the key to life’s meaning,
who give to the beloved as easily
as they breathe, who feel in each touch
of the lover’s hand a new sunrise,
who weather the days when love’s light wanes,
believing in its inevitable return.
Here’s to those who find love
on the street, in the face
of a child, in the kindness
of a stranger, who see love
in the eyes of the aged
and dying, who behold its light
in neighbors, in pets, in flowers
and trees, in roaring oceans
and starry skies, who celebrate
how it’s love that holds the world together.
Here’s to those wrapped
in the illusion of loneliness,
who believe they have missed
love’s smile, to those whose pain
or fear hides love’s presence,
whose wounded hearts wait
for love’s kiss. It will come,
dear ones; it will come.
It envelopes and upholds you now.
Here’s to the song of the universe,
that rises from Love’s heart,
that carries its tender strength
to each particle of being,
to every star, to every world,
endlessly and forever singing
Yes. Yes. Yes.