
When springtime was brand new
and the green just beginning
to rise from the earth and the tips
of the trees, something inside me
whispered, “Green is so healing.”
I remember thinking it was a good thing
that spring would bring so much of it,
for we are in such need. This is a world
of wounded ones. No one escapes
their share of injury, sorrow, loss.
But the pain that breaks our shell
opens the door to new perceptions.
We see what we long for, what matters,
what doesn’t, what still remains.
We rest, absorbing the meanings,
pondering what tomorrow might hold.
And as we rest, the green floats in
with its abundance of hope, and
its breezes full of healing. And we
go on, renewed, deepened, and strong.
It’s quite the plan, wouldn’t you say?

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