Suddenly Sunset

After a day of clear and cloudless skies, sunset took us by surprise. And not only us. July herself almost forgot the time of day.

At the very last minute, she whistled for the winds and they blew in a batch of rolling fluff so her chance to paint the evening wouldn’t pass her by. She grabbed deep lavender and shades of gold and hurled them, laughing, against her canvas of clouds. With her broadest brush, she swirled the colors together, heaping them in layers against the blue and glowing sky.

“Good one, July!” we cried, applauding from our porch chairs as we watched the sudden show.

Then, as quickly as she’d brought it, she hurried it away, trading it for a blue that melted into indigo sparkled with fireflies and stars.

We sat there, quietly chatting, feeling the glow long after the of last gold faded away.

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