The 10th of the Month Project – April Edition

I hadn’t been to the wetlands since December 31. That’s the date every year when I take a photo of sun setting directly behind the stand of trees on the west side of the lake. I’ve done it for three-four years. I like taking photos of the same place over time. I love to see the changing moods as the seasons roll by.

So it was March 10th and I found myself driving right past the wetlands’ little parking lot. I had a few extra minutes, so I pulled in and parked to get some quick photos. As I left, the idea came to me that I could take pictures on the 10th of each month to watch the changes.

To my surprise, when I noticed today’s date, April 10th, I remembered that stray little idea and went back to see how the wetlands looked today.

Here’s the result so far. Stay tuned. A May Edition could be rolling down the pike right now.

The Wetlands, March 10, 2022