Reminders for Hard Times

It’s okay to cry sometimes. Life comes with pain.
It’s okay to be angry sometimes. Life comes with injustices.
It’s okay to be weary. We all have our share of sleepless nights.
It’s okay to be discouraged and confused. Sometimes the shadows block out the light.

All of us have our points of weakness. Each of us fails sometimes.
Each of us stumbles. Each of us makes mistakes.
It’s okay. It’s part of being human.

Those who truly love you will forgive you.
And you, likewise, will find in your heart the capacity to forgive those you truly love.

That doesn’t mean you condone the wrongs.
It means you create a space for accepting that we all make errors.
Only the continuous choosing of evil deserves our righteous condemnation.
And those who make such choices are, thankfully, few.
Believe in humanity. For the most part, we all have good intentions.
We all want peace and freedom and prosperity for all, however much we may differ in our ideas about the best means to achieve them.

Life is a mystery to us all. We are in this together, for better or worse, learning as we go along.
None of us has all the answers.

Each of us does the best we can. And sometimes our best is glorious.
Sometimes–actually, more often than not–we are strong, and kind, and brave.
We laugh, we dance, we create, we sing. We do our work; we carry our loads.
We strive to be responsible. We are generous and friendly and helpful.
We value truth, and beauty, and goodness, and we seek to let them guide our lives.

Each of has our strengths. Each of us has our talents.
Each of us is willing to do what we can to make things easier and better for each other.
We are inventive. We are curious. We are problem-solvers. We are industrious.
We are willing to learn from each other. We have the splendid audacity to dream.

But for all of that, sometimes we fail. And that’s okay–as long as we rise again and keep trying.

And rise and try we will. Because we are humans—wonderful, resilient humans. And rising is what we do.

Keep the faith.


Photo by Mrexentric from