Love Notes

The only thing I know for certain about joy is that it is infused with love. It expresses itself, I’ve found, via three routes–through beauty, through goodness, through truth. When I am witnessing any of these, I find myself bathed in joy.

I save little bits of them, capturing fragments of them as best I can with my photos or my words. I think of them as love notes, postcards if you will, found on the road along my journey.

On Looking at Photos

The key is to take the time to look— not just glance, respond, and go on to the next thing.

The delight is in the details, in the balance and variety of forms, the array of colors, the light and shadows, the texture of the atmosphere.

You can walk right into it if you want: feel the movement of the air, the temperature, the humidity or lack of it. You can taste the fragrances of it, hear the sounds. That’s the magic of it.

I invite you to accept it as a gift.

And so it is.