The Order of the Flexitarian Harmonizers, Joy Warrior Brigade

I guess we all want some kind of self-defined identity, a way to describe ourselves in a word or two, to state our primary life-orientation. Years ago, I invented an invisible business card on which I listed my title as “Adept Generalist.” It was a sort of non-sexist way of saying “Jack of All Trades.”

Then, a while back, I decided that I had refined my skills sufficiently to warrant a new title. With a sense of serious commitment to the designation, I declared myself a Flexitarian Harmonizer.

I envisioned the title as a kind of mission statement, a determination to bring harmony to human relationships through a commitment to flexibility in accepting others’ views of reality.

 It had become apparent to me that each of us lives in our own unique reality bubble, built of the data and experiences we gather as we go along, and everyone’s version of reality is as true and real to them as mine is to me. Maybe even more so. Probably more so, since it doesn’t seem to be a common practice among most of my fellows to question the validity of their bubble’s walls, or to wish to expand or alter them in any way.

Most of us cling to our versions of reality quite fervently, I observed. We’re not really into flexitarianism these days, despite popular notions of “tolerance” and “inclusion.” That’s not a fault. Our interpretations of reality let us make sense of the world. They give us some basis for making decisions about what is safe or valuable or pleasing for us.

I decided it was a gift when others would allow me to look at the world from inside their reality bubbles. And they would do that, I had learned, only to the extent that I didn’t find fault with them. That’s where the harmonizer part of my mission kicked in.

It seems a hundred years ago that I chose my new title. Little did I know back then where my commitment to that identity would lead, or how challenging it would become. Over time, I began to think of Flexitarian Harmonizers as a kind of spiritual Order. I saw it as my “calling,” you might say.

Then, several months ago, I suddenly accepted an invitation from myself to join a specialized unit of Harmonizers called the Joy Warrior Brigade. Not only would I continue to bring harmony into my surroundings in every possible way, but I would devote myself, for some extended period of time, to specialize as a Joy Warrior, manifesting joy, regardless of the obstacles, and promoting it, as a means of rescuing humanity from what increasingly appeared to be its engulfment and possible annihilation by forces of evil that opposed joy on every front.

I began my apprenticeship as a Joy Warrior little suspecting what an arduous path stretched before me. The enemy is entrenched, deeply cunning, and vile beyond anything I could have imagined. It didn’t take long to discover why members of the brigade were called warriors. The task of living and promoting joy is, indeed, a battle.

I’ll share some of my adventures and the lessons they’ve taught me as we go along. For now, I just wanted to give you a little background about how it all began.