What a Piece of Work

On the bulletin board above my desk I keep a list of strengths. It’s been there for years, and to tell you the truth, I haven’t read through it in ages.

Last week I promised you I would share the list with you today. So I unpinned it, held it in my hands and started to read through it. It’s old, familiar material for me, and at first, I just scanned it. But I was less than a third of the way through the list when the profundity of it stuck me.

A passage from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” floated into my mind: “What a piece of work is a man . . . the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals.”

That may be an overstatement. But when you consider all the achievements of the human race—a worthwhile thing to think about now and then—you have to admit that we are indeed remarkable creatures.

This isn’t a casually created list. To identify these characteristics, the team who created it looked at the histories and literature of cultures around the world from ancient times to the present. What traits did we, as human beings, value most highly? What characteristics contributed the most to our personal sense of well-being and to the well-being of our cultures?

The twenty-four traits on this list are the result of their research.

I slowed down and read them carefully, letting myself feel the quality of each item. I suggest that you read them that way, too. Savor them. Taste the flavor of each of them. These are the qualities that mark the best in us as human beings.

As individuals, we possess them in varying degrees. We’re all strong in some of them and not particularly gifted in others. When you read through the list, you’ll notice which ones resonate the most with you. It’s the ones that strike a chord in you that are probably your own best strengths, the parts of you that you express when you feel good about who you are and how you’re doing things.

And that’s a good thing. We’re more successful overall when we’re using our best strengths. They serve as a kind of compass to tell us when we’re on the right track, when we’re being true to who we, as unique individuals, are.

So here is the list, in alphabetical order. Take time to read it, to feel it, to let it bring you insights about yourself, and about all of us. Pick out your favorites and play with seeing them at work in your life as you go through the week. Look for these qualities in others, too. It will lead you to greater appreciation for them and enjoy their unique individuality.

Appreciation Beauty and Excellence, Awe

Bravery, Courage

Creativity, Ingenuity

Critical Thinking, Open-Mindedness, Good Judgment

Curiosity, Interest


Forgiveness, Mercy

Gratitude, Thankfulness

Honesty, Authenticity

Hope, Optimism

Kindness, Generosity


Love, Attachment

Love of Learning

Modesty, Humility

Perseverance, Persistence, Diligence, Industriousness

Perspective, Wisdom

Playfulness, Humor

Prudence, Discretion, Caution

Religiousness, Spirituality

Self-Control, Self-Regulation

Social Intelligence, Social Skills, Understand Motives of Others


Zest, Enthusiasm