The Grass Choir

As the two forest friends neared their homes, dusk was indeed falling, spreading deepening shadows across the woodland’s floor.

For a moment, when they first heard the music wafting through the trees, the two boys thought that they must have gotten turned around, that the sound was the whistling of the elves.

But then they realized that this was a different sound altogether, a rich and melodious harmony of tones sung by many voices.

It was so beautiful that they couldn’t resist following it.

The nearer they got, the more thrilling the song became.  The high notes seemed to rise to the sky, and the deep ones to penetrate the very earth beneath them.

They felt as if they were floating on it, called by its source.  And at last, as they rounded a bend, they saw the golden singers.

“Peace to all!” they sang.  “Peace and love and joy!  The Light has come!  The Light has come!  Let our hearts rejoice.”

The forest friends stood listening to the choir until the moon rose in the sky.  Then, breaking from the music’s entrancing spell, they turned toward home.  And still, even though their feet were on the ground, they felt as if they were floating.

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