The Holly Tree

By the time they got to the far end of the lake, the morning sky was milky with clouds and the air was thick with moisture.  In the woods, the high branches shivered in the wind, rattling a signal to the woodland’s creatures and birds that a storm was on the way. The two pals didn’t mind. To them, all weather was a marvelous ever-changing show.

“I think we’re going to get some snow,” Red Leaf said as he and his friend skipped across the frosty ground.

“That would be wonderful! I had a great dream last night about snow,” Little Pine said.

They were just rounding the curve of the lake when Holly Tree came into view. They stopped for a moment as the wind blew the strains of her song across the cold waters.

Above her, the boughs of the tall pines whipped in the wind and the hardwoods’ branches clattered as they swayed. But beneath them, Holly stood tall and unshaken, her evergreen branches reaching to the sky.  This, after all, was the season of her glory. 

From ancient times, the humans had sought her ancestors’ bright leaves and crimson berries to decorate their homes for the Festival of the Light.  Her family had served to carry the legends of many tribes from one generation to another.

Some of the legends spoke of man’s suffering and pain, and of redemption, forgiveness and renewal.  Some told of elves at play.  Some told of humble gifts given and graciously received.

Holly was pleased to represent the peoples’ stories and to play a part in their celebrations.  But even more, she was glad to stand in the middle of this magical forest singing to its creatures her glad songs of the steadfastness of the Light and its promise of everlasting life.

“Hi, Holly!” the boys said as they finally stood beneath her bright, scalloped leaves. “That was a wonderful song!”

“Thank you!” she said. “I’m practicing for the Call to Festival Day. I’m so excited that it will soon be here! Where are you boys headed today?”

“We’re going to the elves’ house to see what they’re doing,” Red Leaf said.

“Well, tell them I send my greetings. They’ve been up for hours. I heard their whistles at dawn. They’re such fun-filled, industrious little guys! Just like you two. Have a wonderful day!”

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