The Merry Side of May

I washed the breakfast dishes with the scent
of lilacs sending me into a world of dreams
as it wafted through the open windows.
Iridescent bubbles slid down the surface
of my cups and plates, and lacy white curtains
waltzed in the breeze. When the last fork
was clean, I dried my hands and went out
for a tour of my gardens, so lush now.
And then she did it, Merry May, her gift
of the day proving how she got her name.
At the edge of the garden, a motion
caught my eye. A prince in disguise!
I laughed at the surprise. And although
I didn’t kiss him, he let me gently stroke
his pebbly textured back. Spring laughs
in flowers, said a poet once upon a time.
And now comes May, the merry one,
making me laugh with her gift of a toad.

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