The Revelations of the Trees

Almost everybody is entranced by flowers I suppose. I know I am. All they have to do is appear and I’m hooked. But trees are something else.

I think we take them for granted for the most part, forgetting that they are as alive as we are, and quite wondrous. We can walk right past them and give them no more heed than we do a sign post or light pole.

I’ve come to know some of them fairly well, having lived in close proximity with them for a few decades. They’re like a lot of living things in that if you give them your respectful attention, they will reveal much of their nature to you and fill you with interesting imaginings.

For the past couple of years, as winter began to give way to spring, I’ve noticed that I don’t want to say goodbye to the winter trees. It’s not that they go away or anything. But in springtime the flowers will return and I dance off with them, forgetting about the trees altogether.

They don’t mind. That’s one of the things I appreciate about them. They get pretty busy themselves for the green part of the year, and then there’s the autumn display. It’s winter when they draw my attention to them again, and they in turn reveal their gifts.

This past week I noticed hugging trees and the exposed bones of two pines who lived long, long ago. May they gift you with interesting imaginings, too.

Hugging Trees, 1
Hugging Trees, 2
Hugging Trees, 3
Bones of the Ancient Ones, 1
Bones of the Ancient Ones, 2

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