The Visit of the Snow Queen

Little did the Little Pine know when his mother wished him sweet dreams how sweet those dreams would truly be.

He drifted for a while into deeper and deeper sleep.  And then, when they had left all traces of their everyday world behind them, suddenly a vision appeared.

Emerging from a field of white pine boughs and golden light was the most beautiful being he had ever seen.

Her face was kind and filled with love.  And although she didn’t speak, he somehow heard her message .

“Hello, sweet child.  I am the Snow Queen, come to tell you about the miracle of Light.  Soon the glorious sun will begin his northward journey, and on the day he sets out, your world will rejoice.  For the sun is Light’s messenger, and he brings to your world new life and new beginnings.

“I create the winter snows to reflect the light he brings.  Every snowflake that falls celebrates its joy and peace.

“And all of this—our light, our hope, our promises and joy—are just part of the song of the Great Yes.

“The day of the Light’s return is a new note in that song.  And it will find its way into your hearts and sing there, for we are all its children.  And we, sweet ones, are dearly, dearly loved.”

And as the last words of her message floated into Little Pine’s understanding, the beautiful Snow Queen faded away, and he sank into deep and dreamless sleep, filled with comfort and joy.

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