The Wedding

Once upon a time, on the edge of a small planet on one of the outer arms of the great Milky Way, a tiny band of hearts gathered to celebrate the wedding of two of their own, the binding of their hands together for the completion of their journey.

Everyone laughed and danced and feasted. And toward sunset, they gathered at the edge of a lake, fastened their well-wishes to paper lanterns and set them sailing into the sky:

May your life together be filled with love and joy.

May you have smooth sailing.

May friendship be your guiding star.

May you share beautiful dreams and bring them to fruition.

May you grow through all your struggles and your love shine ever more brightly for having weathered life’s disappointments and storms.

May each day sparkle with your laughter, and each night bring you the comfort of each other’s arms.

And when the celebration was done, and the celebrants had gone their various ways, a great moon rose, full of light and blessing. And it took onto itself all the well-wishes and sent them shimmering across the waters as they rose, ever higher, to the heart of the Yes. And the Yes, welcoming yet another expression of its love, acknowledged the pledges and wishes as its own.

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