To Walk Where Serenity Reigns

Now and then, when the world seems wholly askew,
it’s good to walk where serenity reigns,
where all the pieces effortlessly flow together and make sense.

To walk in such a place is to begin to understand
that this is a hint of the whole and of its nature,
given to remind you that the situation is far larger
than you had at first assumed.

You can tell by the way your heart is at peace here,
as if this is a swatch of your true, spacious home,
as if this is a deeper truth than turmoil tells.
You can tell by the way your trust flows out to meet it.
Somehow, you realize, all is exactly as it is meant to be.
You do not need to understand; that will come in its own time.
For now, simply breathe in this infinite calm,
this limitless reassurance, this perfect, all-loving Yes.

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